Part Nineteen

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The warm weather and light hearted conversation puts us all in good spirits.

I'm laughing over something Legolas says when we hear footsteps behind us.

We don't turn around, but start running, darting through the trees.

The footsteps sound like a large animal, too big to be a horse, and I pray that it is not another Orc pack. Legolas draws his bow and turns around, ready to let the arrow fly.

He puts it down not a minute later. Tauriel and I turn, too, and I am shocked to find that it is the king, riding on his great elk.

It's as if his eyes have turned me to stone. We stand still, eyes on each other.

Legolas clears his throat. The king drags his gaze away from me. I can feel my cheeks redden.

"Ada, what are you doing here?" Legolas asks. From his tone of voice, it's clear he knows the reason why.

"I came to tell you to give up this mad quest," the king says. His eyes look to each of us. "Thorin Oakenshield is a fool to think that he might have a chance at reclaiming Erebor."

I grit my teeth. How could he possibly know... Tauriel puts her hand on my arm and shakes her head at me, ever so slightly.

I understand what she wants me to do. I step closer to the king and look up at him. "Yes, my king. We are simply enjoying the good weather." I look up at him through dark, long eyelashes.

"What do you need all those weapons for?" he asks me, one eyebrow raised.

"For... We were going to hunt spiders as well!"

He looks utterly unconvinced. "Spiders? This far north of Mirkwood? I did not take you three for such fools as this."

I keep my tone light. "Better to be on the safe side, Thranduil, is it not?"

His eyes widen slightly when I say his name, and he sighs. "I suppose not," he says. "But if you are not home before dark there will be severe consequences. For all of you."

We nod.

"But what did you need us for?" Legolas asks.

"I did not need all of you," the king says slowly, "just one." His eyes turn to me, and roam slowly over my face. My face heats up, and I turn away so that Tauriel and Legolas don't see my burning face. I will never hear the end of this.

"Well, I am glad you did," I say, putting my hand on the elk's neck.

Thranduil bows his head. "When you return, Areya, I have something I need to talk to you about. It is a.. very pressing matter of business." He leans down and kisses my cheek softly, then turns away and rides back through the trees.

As soon as he is gone, I start walking as fast as possible, anxious to get away from Tauriel and Legolas. It is a wonder they didn't burst from holding in their laughter. They let it all out now, in whoops and hollers, their faces red and smiling.

"What was that act you put on there?" Legolas asks. "Are you sure you're not in love with my father?"

Their shoulders are shaking. I glare at them. "It was the only way I could get him to leave," I say.

"Oh, of course," Tauriel says, poking me in the ribs.

I swat her hands. "We are on an important quest," I say, "and you'd best behave."

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