Part Forty-Six

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I leave Areya without a second glance. The acrid smoke stings my lungs, making me choke and cough in the grey air. I can make out the tower, and run towards it, knocking into people who are screaming and running for shelter.

I climb up the endless flights of rickety wooden stairs, the air being squeezed from my chest, before I finally make it to the top. The Black Arrow sits on its pedestal, just as it always has.

I close my eyes briefly, and try to calm my racing heart. There is only one arrow that can kill this dragon. And there is only one who must shoot that arrow. Me.

I take my bow from my shoulder and run my fingers along its carved edges. I carefully lift out the arrow, and notch it into the bowstring. A blast of heat burns my face, and I resist the strong urge to throw my hands up to protect myself.

When I open my eyes again, I find myself face to face with the most monstrous creature I have ever seen. His large gold eye, easily the size of my fist, or even my head, is fixed on me, blinking lazily.

I can't look away.

Red scales flash hot in the heat of his flame, and his long tail whips back and forth, smashing the roofs off of houses and shops.

My hands are shaking as they grip the bow, my knuckles turning white.
"So, are you the one who's going to kill me, Bargeman? They chose you to bring down the Mighty Smaug?"

I struggle to keep my voice steady. "I am the Bowman. It is my duty."
"Ahhhh....." A puff of smoke accompanies his sigh. And then, a mighty, throaty chuckle. "Your great great grandfather couldn't kill me, Bowman. I'm sure you've heard the stories."

I clench my jaw tightly and raise the bow. At the left side of his chest, there is, in fact, one missing scale , just as the legend had said. Small enough that you could easily miss it. Smaug notices where my eye is looking. "So you have found my missing scale, Bowman? You must be skilled indeed, to think you have the aim to hit that mark."

I close one eye and let the arrow fly. It sinks into the small, scaleless area. Smaug's eyes open wide in surprise, then his massive, fiery body comes crashing down, landing on a few unsuspecting townspeople.

I let out a long breath, and feel myself begin to relax. Before everyone can look up and see me standing here, I run back down the flights of stairs and onto the docks.
Smoke is billowing out of almost every single house, but others are pouring buckets of lake water on the flames.

I run on to my house, the only thing on my mind being my children. And Areya. I trust her with them, even if she killed Daneya. Or did she? I find that strange that she would do something like that. Maybe she was telling the truth.

She would have taken them to the mountain, I think, which is utterly stupid of her. After what I heard about the Battle of the Five Armies, I don't want anyone near Erebor, especially not my children.

I take a deep breath and walk towards the shadowy mountain.

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