Part Thirty

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When I open my eyes, weak sunlight is streaming through the window. I'm lying on a soft mattress, with a woollen blanket over me. It takes me a few minutes to remember where I am. Back in Lake-town, with Bard. A smile crosses my face, and I sit up, blinking the remains of sleep from my eyes.

I look to the left and see Bard, sleeping in his armchair. I feel a bit guilty for taking what must be his bed. I toss the blankets off of me and cross to the window. It is snowing, thick white flakes that spiral down from the grey sky. It is beautiful, and very different from the icy shards that fall during a blizzard.

I hope Tauriel and Legolas made it safely across the lake. Even for elves, it can be dangerous crossing a body of water in the midst of a snowfall.
Looking to the other side of the room, I notice Kili and Fili, asleep by the fire. Kili is looking well again, his cheeks pink, and his skin no longer sweaty.

Along the opposite wall, Sigrid and Tilda are breathing evenly, wrapped in one of their quilts. Bain lies on another thin mattress beside them, a peaceful smile on his face. I feel almost as if I am disturbing them, this peaceful family.

When I turn around again, Bard's dark eyes are watching me. "I could have slept in the chair," I whisper.
He shakes his head. "That would not do."
I glance at the door.
"Surely you are not leaving so soon?" his voice sounds concerned.
I smile at him. "No. But I must go. When Kili and Fili go to the mountain, I will go with them."

He sits in silence. "And I will come with you."
I shake my head vigorously. "No!" My voice comes out a little louder than I intended. Kili stirs on his mattress.
I gesture to the door, and we walk outside. It is still early, and only a few people are up, preparing their boats for another long day of fishing.

"You cannot come, Bard. I've burdened you with too many troubles already."
He laughs dryly. "Burdened me? No. You've given me another chance, Areya."
"Another chance at what?" My breath leaves misty spirals in the air.

He doesn't answer me, only steps forward, puts his rough hand on the back of my neck, and kisses me softly. It is so different from my kiss with the king. This one feels natural to me, like I've only now realized that this is what I have been waiting for.

I put my hands on the side of his face and kiss him back, but he pulls away.
His eyes are anguished. "I'm sorry."
I fight to breathe evenly again. "Sorry for what?" I say.
"Men and elves are not meant to be together," he says, looking out at the mountain in the distance. "And you are in love with another."

I almost laugh at the absurdity of this. "What do you mean?" I ask, taking his hand in mine. "In Rivendell, the Lady Arwen, daughter of Lord Elrond, is in love with a mortal man. Aragorn, son of Arathorn. They pledged their love, underneath a sky full of stars." I kiss him on the cheek, but he still doesn't look at me. "And who do you think I am in love with?"

I am truly shocked at his reply.
"Legolas. And Fili."
"What nonsense do you speak of? Legolas is like my brother, as I have told you. And although I find Fili a wonderful dwarf, I do not love him in... the way that you speak of."

I turn his face towards mine. "Gi melin, Bard of Lake-town," I say softly.
"What does that mean?" he whispers.
"It means.... I love you."
He smiles, his eyes lighting with a spark. "Then... gi melin, Areya of Mirkwood."

We rest our foreheads together for a long while, just looking into each other's eyes. "Your eyes are beautiful," he says to me. I blush softly. "Say something else in Elvish," he says. "It sounds like music."
"Gellon ned i galar i chent lîn ned i gladhol."
"And what does that mean?"
"I love to see your eyes shine when you laugh."
He smiles again. "I suppose I shall have to laugh more often then."
"Yes." Finally we go inside, when the town is awake and it's residents begin their day.

The children are still asleep. Bard goes to wake them, but I stop him. "Let them sleep," I say quietly. "Much has happened to them."

Fili and Kili are awake, smiling and laughing about something that happened on their journey. I long to hear the whole tale, but there is no time. I go and sit beside them. "When will you be ready to go to the Lonely Mountain?" I ask them. They stop laughing.

"The thing is, my lady," Fili begins. "Our uncle is falling under the gold sickness."
"It is the same thing that befell Thror," Kili adds.
"It is eating away at his mind, and to tell you the truth, he's not been the best of company to us as of late." Fili says quietly.
"As much as we would like to see our kingdom, we do not care about it as much as some of the others in the Company. I was born after Erebor was taken, and Fili was a mere lad, too young to remember anything."

"You are saying you would prefer to go back to your home in the west?" I do not want to believe what I am hearing.
"Yes." They speak in one voice.
"But you two are his family. I am sure Thorin wants you to come with him. And when Erebor has been returned to you, your family will come and live with you. You will see them again."

"I suppose so." Fili sounds unconvinced.
Kili stands up, sways slightly, then turns to the door. "I will go," he says. "For many long years I have been hearing tales of the glory of Erebor. Although I may think otherwise, I know that I must go. It would not do to have the heirs of Durin absent." He slaps his brother on the back.
"Come, Fili."


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