Part Twenty-Nine

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Areya's voice seems to me like the most calming thing in the world. She's barely looked at me since she came in. Could she still be angry at me from the last time we spoke? When I said I wouldn't help the dwarves? That doesn't make any sense to me, considering I'm helping them right now.

She is still talking to Fili, whispering in his ear. He smiles warmly at her. They've only just met, for pity's sake!

I walk to the doorway and look out at the darkened town. Legolas, Areya's other companion, runs up to my door and pushes me aside. "Tauriel! There are too many orcs for me to handle by myself. I need you." His voice sounds broken with pain. Does he really love Tauriel?

Tauriel looks up from where she is still healing Kili. "I'm sorry. I have to stay here."

Legolas turns away, but not before I see the hard look in his eyes. I turn to Areya, and her blue eyes meet mine. I've never seen her look so upset. She walks over to me and whisper in my ear. "He's going to get himself killed," she says. "And she doesn't care at all."

I shiver at her breath in my ear. "What's the real reason you came back?" I say softly.

A faint spot of pink appears on her cheeks. "I told you already, it was too help the dwarves." I feel slightly disappointed, but something in her voice tells me she is lying. I raise my eyebrows at her. "Ah. Of course."

"Why did you decide to help them?" she says. I don't want to tell her the real reason, that I did it for her, so I smile slightly. "I realized that it would be the right thing of me to do, that maybe one good deed could help save me from all the terrible things I've done."

She smiles at me. "I'm glad," she says, "but saving me already redeemed you."

I shrug. "Maybe, maybe not."

"What more do you need to do to prove it to yourself? You helped thirteen dwarves."

I look at Kili. "Not all thirteen."

She sighs quietly. "Is it your fault he got pierced by that arrow? Not at all. You could not have known, nor could you have prevented it. And look, Tauriel is healing him. Even now, his life-blood flows all the stronger."


Is there nothing that can be done, to ease the pain in this man's heart? I put my hands on his shoulders. "Bard, you have done all you can. Your children love you. Your heart is in the right place, you did what you felt was right. And it was."

His face is so close to mine now. I can see the flecks of gold in his brown eyes, and hear his breath, feel it on my skin. His face is weary, lined with creases from years of struggling to survive.

I lean closer and press my lips softly to his cheek, his rough beard scratching my skin. When I pull back, his eyes are surprised, his breathing a little faster. I smile at him. "You are a good man, Bard. People just don't know it yet. People of sense do not exist in this town. Not including your family," I say quickly.

A soft smile gently pulls up at the corners of his mouth. "Thank you."

At the sound of groaning, we turn our attention back to the wounded dwarf.

His eyes are open now, but still somehow not seeing, and his skin is sweaty and pale.

"Tauriel," he says.

Tauriel looks over at him, her eyes soft.

"But she is not here. She is far away from me." His fingers reach out and brush hers, and she entwines her graceful hand with his calloused one.

"She walks in starlight- in another world."

Any doubts Tauriel might have had about him loving her must surely be gone now. "Do you think she could have loved me?" he says softly, looking up into her eyes. Tauriel glances down at their entwined fingers. "She might," she says quietly.

Fili's eyes are brimming with held in laughter, but tears are visible too. "Thank you, my lady," he says to Tauriel. "I am forever in your debt."

She stands slowly, giving Kili a last, lingering gaze, before she walks silently to the door and slips out into the cold night air.

"Where is she going?" Fili asks.

"Back to Mirkwood." I knew the answer before she had even left. She will always go back to her home. Legolas will return too, and his heart will be lightened when he sees her walking towards him.

"And you?" Bard's voice is so quiet, yet I still hear him.

"I- I would not wish to return." I say carefully.

"But is it not your home?"

"No. I am an elf, yes, but I came from Lorien when I was a small child. Too young to remember anything about it, but I still remember some of my memories. Lights in the trees, soft, caring voices, and loving arms holding me when I cried." I draw in a shuddery breath. It hurts to talk about my childhood.

"I do not remember, however, why I came to Mirkwood, or where my parents are. Perhaps they left me for dead, and some elf, hunting in the forest, heard my cries and brought me to his home. I do not know."

"Perhaps your parents... could not be with you. They must have loved you a great deal, and brought you here, to grow up in safety."

"What safety?" My voice sounds sharp and angry. "It was as if I was living in a cage. We had no freedom to go to the distant lands, or to go on one of the many quests. The adventurers would pass through our gates, but always our king would turn them aside. He said it was for our own good, that growing up in Mirkwood would keep us safe. All it did was make us grow up hating our home."

"Come." Bard holds out his hand, and I take it. "Where are we going?"

We walk outside, and he leads me around the back of the house. There is a ladder there, leading to the roof.

We sit up there for a while, looking at the fiery white stars. Even after all I just said, I am beginning to think I should have gone with Legolas and Tauriel. Already, I miss them, with their bright smiles and snide comments. We spent almost our entire lives together, what will I do without them?

Bard nudges my shoulder. "You miss your friends." It is a statement, not a question. "Yes." I draw my knees up to my chest and rest my chin on them, looking out to the dark shadow of the mountain. Somewhere out there, eleven dwarves are travelling to their home.

Bard puts his arm around my shoulders and pulls me closer to him. My heart is beating faster than it ever has before.

I rest my head hesitantly on his shoulder. His hair tickles my face, and I smile, not thinking about what will happen after, just what is happening now.


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