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"I did not expect to find you here, Areya." He is unchanged. His eyes are filled with deep sadness, yet still bluer than the sky, sharper than my knife.

"I did not expect to come here, your Majesty."

"Then what brought you here?" He leans forward on his throne, hands on his knees. Waiting for my answer. His face lit with false hope.

"I wanted to see you." I walk closer to him. Even from this distance, I can hear the way his voice catches in his throat. "Elves never stop loving," I say. "You told me that once. Do you remember?"

He smiles, thinking of that grievous day. "Like it was yesterday."

"You were right," I say. "My heart still belongs to one man. He is gone now."

My throat tightens, as it does whenever I think of Bard. Sixty years can change many things.

He sits back on his throne. "Then why are you here?"

"I wanted to talk to you." My voice is calm. "I needed to tell someone."

"But why me?" He sounds confused.

"Because you cared."

"Alright. Tell me." He gestures to the smaller throne beside him. I hesitate. "Take it. I was saving it for you all along."

I begin my story.

"When Bard and I returned to Laketown, the townspeople had realized that he was the one who had killed the dragon. They made him the new ruler. After two years, we decided to rebuild Dale, and make it as glorious as it was before.

When it was finished, merchants came from all over Middle-earth. We had been married for a short time by then, and I loved Bard's children like they were my own. Because they were. I raised them, I cared for them. They called me mother.

I can remember every kiss, every warm touch, every word spoken between us. It's almost as if he's still alive. Except that I always have to realize... He's not coming back.

Bard ruled over Dale and Esgaroth with kindness and loyalty, and everyone loved him. Around that time we received a letter from Hobbiton, in the Shire, from a Mr. Bilbo Baggins. He told us that Thorin Oakenshield had died shortly after the battle. The rest of the Company had spread out across Middle-earth; he did not know their exact whereabouts.

He mentioned a ring, discovered in the tunnels of the Goblin-town, with the power to turn the wearer invisible. He was worried that it had other abilities too, but he didn't know what they were. He went on to say that he was living happily in his old home, with his nephew.

I barely saw the halfling, of course, but it gave me joy to hear from him. The years pass too quickly. Bard and his children grew older, I remained the same. Ten years ago, my husband died, at the age of eighty-four. Young in our years, old in mortal years. I suppose I could have chosen a mortal life, but I didn't think of it at the time.

Ten years is a long time to live without somebody.

"I managed living for sixty." His voice draws me out of my mind. His eyes, warm and caring, are fixed upon my face.

"I am truly sorry." And I mean it,

I really do. "My children don't need me anymore. They're aging as well, almost dead. I can't bear to see that happen. Bain has been ruling in his father's place, and his son will do it after he dies." My sweet, sweet boy. And my two girls, still so beautiful and kind.

"And there is another thing.I wanted to come say goodbye."

"Where are you going?"

"I'll see you again. Perhaps it will be very soon, perhaps a long while."

"But Areya, tell me! Where is it you are going?" The despair is evident in his voice. I have crushed him yet again.

"Is Legolas here?" I look around the empty room.

"No. He has gone for a council at the House of Elrond."

"Tell him I missed him. And tell him goodbye. Tell him... Gi melin."

My voice breaks now. Realization dawns on Thranduil's face. "You cannot. You are still so young!"

"I don't feel young. My heart feels old,
withered. The Grey Havens are calling me." Thranduil is crying too, silently. I stand up and walk to him, kissing the tears from his cheeks. "Goodbye." My whisper is soft.

"Gi melin, Areya." His fingers trace ghostly lines on my face. I smile softly.

"Gi melin, Thranduil." And it is true. I do love this man, with all of his flaws and mistakes. I just don't love him in the way that he wants me to.

The boat is waiting. The sun shines down on the beautiful river, and a soft wind tousles my hair. Another journey is beginning. And the voice I hear? It is not in my head anymore. "Areya?"

"I love you eternally." And I kiss him harder than I have before, taste him. I inhale his scent and hold him tighter. A twinkle is in his eye, his dark hair lies over his shoulders. He is just as when we first met.

And so am I.


A/N: I hope you liked the ending! I'm sort of crying now. Thank you so much for reading this, and voting, and commenting. I love you! -Natasha xxx

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