Part Forty-One

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No cliffhangers because I'm too nice! ;)

My eyes widen. "But his wife is dead!"
She runs a long finger down the blade. "That's what he thinks," she says softly. "I did travel through Middle-earth. However, I didn't tell him where I was going. I just.. left. What was he to think? A poor man, never knowing any better. For all he knew, I had been killed."

"But I thought you died in childbirth." I can't believe what I am hearing.
"No. For a sum of money, any midwife will tell your husband lies. I snuck out the window, and when Bard returned from his work, she told him the body was already disposed of."

"Why? He loved you. He still loves you." My heart aches for Bard and his poor children.

"He spoke of leaving this damned town, but never once did he let me return to my home, back to Rivendell. He did not care what I wanted, what I needed. The cold eats away at you, bit by bit. I would have died as it was."

I do not let myself feel sympathy for her. "You betrayed the one who loved you most," I say softly. "Did you ever forgive yourself?"

Her eyes harden. "That is not for you to know." She lifts the knife again, it's blade glinting in the sun, before smoothly drawing it across her throat. Her body drops lifelessly to the ground, scarlet blood spilling from her pale neck.


I stare in horror and shock, conflicted on how to feel. She was a good friend to me, even if only for one day, but was that a lie as well? I consider how easy it would be to just throw the body over the side of the boat, but I can't do that.

Bard deserves to see his dead wife, just once, to know what happened to her. If he thinks I killed her, so be it. I can't change his mind.

Drawing in a shuddery breath, I pick up the oars and row faster than before, trying to ignore the wetness seeping over my feet.

I feel guilty about leaving Areya, but I can't betray Kili. He needs me. I need him. I think briefly of my
mother. Will we see her again?

I row and row, ignoring the ache in my arms. Sometime in the night, I put the oars down. I can see faint white lights coming slowly closer, and silvery sails reflecting the moonlight.

I glance down at Daneya's body, the blood now dried in rusty smears across her skin. Her limbs are stiff, frozen in her fallen position.
No matter the consequence, I must get to that boat.

I drift for a while in thought. Will I ever make it to see the great dwarf kingdom? Will I ever see Legolas and Tauriel again?

The boat sails ever nearer. On a closer glance, it appears to be gliding just on the surface of the lake. Gilded leaves of silver and gold adorn the sides, and the faint white light from inside does not shine from a lamp or candle.

This is the king's boat.

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