~~Chapter 33~~

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Y/N - your name
L/N - last name
F/C - Favourite Colour
L/F/T - Local football team
S/F/C - Second Favourite colour
M/N - middle name
F/F - favourite food
F/S - Favourite snack
E/C - eye colour
F/D - favourite drink like Pepsi
F/C - favourite Coffee if you don't like fizzy drinks
N/N - Nickname
I/N - Instagram name
H/S - Hair Style
F/S/T - Favourite Sweet treat
F/I/D - Favourite Iced Drink
R/N - Rival Name
R/H/C - Rival's Hair colour (A/N R.H.C is my initials XD)
R/E/C - Rival's Eye colour
R/L/N - Rival's last name
R/S/G - Rival's Ship name with Gene
S/N/G - Ship name with Gene

More to be added---------------------

Chapter 33: A New Look

(A/N I won't be adding Ein,Kai,Laurchi,Kim,Kasey/Kacey,Maria,Blaze,Dottie or any of the other new characters or Ships till the Sequel and I'll be postponing the Q&A till I actually get questions 😂😂 as so don't spoil the episodes for me! I've been very busy and I'm only on episode 5 or something 😂😂)

No Music

*+*+*(Y/N)'s POV*+*+*

I woke up with an extremely numb arm but it's happened before so it's like nothing to me. I went down to the kitchen and got a glass of water. Luckily my parents were still asleep. I went back upstairs and took my tablets. I quickly texted Sasha.

                                             What time
                                           Will I meet
                                           You at? :3

Around 11am? Cx

                                                Too lazy to
                                               Look at the
                                              Time. So
                                              What time
                                          Is it now? X3

It is 9:57 cx

                                           Oki! I'll get
                                            Ready now!

Kk! Ttyl!!

I set my phone down on my bedside table. I changed into (Favourite Outfit).  I grabbed my hair brush and slowly Brushed my hair. I looked at the time; 10:06.

"Maybe,I'll just leave now,"I said out loud.

I walked down the stairs,and entered the kitchen. I scribbled down a quick note to my Parents/Guardians.

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