~~Chapter 40~~

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Y/N - your name
L/N - last name
F/C - Favourite Colour
L/F/T - Local football team
S/F/C - Second Favourite colour
M/N - middle name
F/F - favourite food
F/S - Favourite snack
E/C - eye colour
F/D - favourite drink like Pepsi
F/C - favourite Coffee if you don't like fizzy drinks
N/N - Nickname
I/N - Instagram name
H/S - Hair Style
F/S/T - Favourite Sweet treat
F/I/D - Favourite Iced Drink
R/N - Rival Name
R/H/C - Rival's Hair colour (A/N R.H.C is my initials XD)
R/E/C - Rival's Eye colour
R/L/N - Rival's last name
R/S/G - Rival's Ship name with Gene
S/N/G - Ship name with Gene

More to be added---------------------

Chapter 40: 3 Little Words...

Nothing From Social Media

+*+*+Your POV*+*+*

I soon realised who was glaring at me. I tried to get out of Zenix's grip. But he tightened his grip. Then I heard something I thought I would hear coming out of Zenix. He chuckled a deep,dark evil laugh. I started to panic.

My claustrophobia started kicking in. Tears pricked my eyes. I grabbed my phone. I was able to text a quick message to someone...

Helo Cany
((Help Can't Breathe ))

"Zenix...?" Soothing voice said.

"Mhm?," Zenix Replied. His voice still venomous.

"Let Y/N go...,"The voice growled.

I suddenly recognised the voice...

I sent the text to Gene...

Zenix's grip grew loose. I backed away and moved closer to Gene. I hugged Gene as he began stroking my hair.

"Are you okay?" He whispered.

"I don't know,"I whimpered.


I keep repeating the breathing pattern, soon enough I was back to normal. I hastily pulled away. I looked up at Gene. Then I realised all my feelings for Zenix disappeared.

I love Gene...But he'll never return those feelings...

The happy energy in the room vanished. No one said a thing. It was just awkward. Gene's phone began ringing. I took a quick peek at his Caller ID...


"Brb Guys,"He said before going to another room to answer the call.

"Hey Guys?" Michi asks.

"Yah?" Rionach replied.

"Mhm?" I said.

"Can I run home and get my laptop?" Michi asked.

"Alright,"Rionach said.

If You Only Knew  {Gene X Reader} [PDH]Where stories live. Discover now