~~Chapter 41~~

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Y/N - your name
L/N - last name
F/C - Favourite Colour
L/F/T - Local football team
S/F/C - Second Favourite colour
M/N - middle name
F/F - favourite food
F/S - Favourite snack
E/C - eye colour
F/D - favourite drink like Pepsi
F/C - favourite Coffee if you don't like fizzy drinks
N/N - Nickname
I/N - Instagram name
H/S - Hair Style
F/S/T - Favourite Sweet treat
F/I/D - Favourite Iced Drink
R/N - Rival Name
R/H/C - Rival's Hair colour (A/N R.H.C is my initials XD)
R/E/C - Rival's Eye colour
R/L/N - Rival's last name
R/S/G - Rival's Ship name with Gene
S/N/G - Ship name with Gene

More to be added---------------------

Chapter 41: Love Is Confusing

Nothing From Social Media

*+*+*+Authors POV+*+*+

As you lay on the cold,hard bathroom floor. Gene was still on the phone with Aphmau.

"Aphmau..." He pleaded.

"Gene...I'm sorry...After everything you've done to me...I don't love you...," Aphmau's words broke him.

"Oh Okay...Bye...Speak to you soon,"He said holding back tears. He put his voice in his pocket.

He started looking for you. You were always by his side no matter how many people he blackmailed. You never left him. But he always left you...

You hugged your knees,crying. You felt alone. In a house full of people,you still felt alone.

Gene looked everywhere in the house for you. He was standing outside the bathroom,listening to your silence tears. He couldn't hear much but he could hear your whimpering. He hesitated in knocking the door.

"Who is it?" Your voice was gentle.

He cleared his voice,"It's Gene."

"O-Oh. Two S-Seconds,"You said,Your voice cracking a bit.

You slowly opened the door. Gene stood outside the door.

You ushered him in.

His eyes were slightly red.

"Are you okay?" You asked.

*+*+*+Your POV*+*+*+

"Are you okay?" I asked.

I went to sit back down on the floor but Gene pulled me onto lap. He nuzzled his chin into my hair.

"Aph said she doesn't love me...," He mumbled.

"Oh,I'm so sorry." I said.

"Nah! You don't have to apologise!" He laughed slightly. But I instantly knew it was forced.

"At least in Uni you'll find someone,"I hurt myself with my own words a lot don't I?

"It's my own fault though," He said ignoring what I had just said.

"Huh? How?" I asked.

"I blackmailed her a lot. When you weren't around. It was my way of getting her attention." He explained.

"Oh. Okay I see,"I said.

"Hopefully that doesn't change your opinion of me." He said.

"You've raped me...And I'm still here,Talking to you." I laughed.

"Oh yeah. I forgot about that!" He laughed as well.

"Well which unfortunately lucky girl is your next choice?" I asked,leaning back into his chest. I felt him twirling my hair around his finger.

"I don't know yet,"He answered.

"Yet? So did you like someone while loving Aphmau?"I suddenly realised I've said the wrong thing. But I can't take my words back now.

"Love Aphmau? I've never said that out loud,"He lifted me around to face him. His face was serious.

My eyes widen...

There's no going back now...

I blushed,"I just erm Kinda guessed?"

"You guessed?" His voice began deep and husky.

"Y-Y-Yeah!" I squeaked.

His laugh changed to deep and seductive.

"Gene I'm sorry...,"I started tearing up.

His expression changed.

"For what?" He asked.

"I'm sorry I'm always In your way...I'm sorry...that you feel sorry for me...,"I muttered.

I continued,"I'm sorry I'm a waste of space. I'm sorry I'm useless. I'm sorry I'm not what you wanted. I'm sorry I'm not good enough for you. I'm sorry I was even born...,"I broke into tears at the end.

"Y/N? What's the matter?" He hugged me.

"Gene? What I'm trying to say is I'm sorry I couldn't get you and Aphmau together,"I mumbled.

"It's okay. I've moved on to someone already,"

My eyes widen...

He said he didn't have a second choice...now he does...Love is Confusing...


Author's Notieeee!

Hoiii! I have been getting a couple of comments about how in some chapters not all the focus is on Y/N.And the reason for that is: The Background Characters (Rionach,Zane,Michi,Cormac E.g.) Do play a big part. Things will happen during your dates in the Second book. You might or might not have to choose your date or your Friends. If the focus isn't on Y/N and is on Owen for Example,there is a reason behind it.

Thanks for Understanding!

~Author~Chan 💗
[✔️] Edited

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