~~Chapter 48~~

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Y/N - Your Name
L/N - Last Name
F/C - Favourite Colour
L/F/T - Local football Team
S/F/C - Second Favourite Colour
M/N - Middle Name
F/F - Favourite Food
F/S - Favourite Snack
E/C - Eye Colour
F/D - Favourite Drink (Like Pepsi,Water Etc.)
F/C - favourite Coffee (If You Don't Like Fizzy Drinks,Water,Milk etc)
N/N - Nickname
I/N - Instagram Name
H/S - Hair Style
F/S/T - Favourite Sweet treat
F/I/D - Favourite Iced Drink
R/N - Rival Name
R/H/C - Rival's Hair Colour (A/N R.H.C is my initials XD)
R/E/C - Rival's Eye Colour
R/L/N - Rival's Last Name
R/S/G - Rival's Ship name With Gene
S/N/G - Ship Name With Gene

More to be added---------------------

Chapter 48 : Feelings

Nothing From Social Media

*+*+*+Y/N's POV*+*+*+

I hovered the razor over my wrist. The razor slipped from my hand...it fell to the floor. I looked at my wrist...

All this because of Stupid Gene...

I had finally stopped crying. I got myself together and went to sleep in my uniform...

(Time Skip To Dah Morning💜)

I tossed and turned. I sat up. I looked at the time on my phone : 8:34

"I'm already in my uniform...," I mumbled.

I brushed my teeth. Grabbed my phone and left the house.

I kicked the dirt on the footpath. I stopped when I heard a two familiar voices,"Y/N!"

Rionach came up to my right side.Sasha came up to my left side.

"Hey Guys...,"I mumbled.

"Y/N,what's wrong?" Sasha said.

"It's--EEEEP!" I gripped onto Sasha's arm. I tried not to look ahead. I slowly opened one eye. Gene was walking with Zenix in front of us.

My heart started rapidly pounding in my chest. Heat rushed up to my cheeks at the sight of him. My stomach was in knots.

"Y/N? Is everything o--OH! Right! I get it now!" Rionach soothingly rubbed my back. Sasha petted my hair.

"It will be okay!" Sasha said reassuringly.

"Why are you scared of him though? Did he do anything to you?!" Rionach questioned. 

I bit my lip and shook my head,"He didn't do anything to me..."

"Then why are you scared of him?" Sasha asked.

I started crying,"I DON'T KNOW!"

I felt the tears drop down my face. Then I couldn't stop. I tried but I couldn't.

Sasha and Rionach started saying things to sooth me.

I just don't understand these feelings...
If he only knew what he's doing to me...

I blinked back tears. I unlinked my arm with Sasha's. I tried to put on a put together face. I bit my lip and looked at the ground.

"Can we just get to class now?" I mumbled.

"Yeah." They whispered.

We went to school in a silence. It wasn't uncomfortable...but it was strange...it just doesn't suit their personalities...

I looked up from the ground when we got to school. I muttered a 'bye' and I headed to my Form room.

I pushed past everyone in the hallway. I could feel people staring at me but I brushed it off. I stormed to my Form room.

"I don't like this." I muttered as I thought about how I reacted to seeing Gene.

I sat down on my chair and put my head down on the table. 

"Uggggh!" I whined.

"Y/N...?" I heard a voice say.

Ignore it...

"Um Y/N...?"

Keep ignoring it...

"Are you asleep?"

Just keep ignoring the person...

"I'll talk to you late then!" The voice said. I recognised the voice instantly...Zane...

I heard footsteps move away from the table. I finally lifted my head from the table.

I ran my hand through my tangled hair.  I sighed lightly when Travis sat beside me. He looked lost in his thoughts so for the both of us I decided I wouldn't bother him.

"Y/N L/N?" Our form teacher called out.

"Present...," I murmured.

I stared at the wall, trying to take my mind off...him. But I just couldn't do it...he keeps popping into my mind. When he's around me I get scared of him for some reason...I don't know why...When he's not around...I feel...empty...When he is...I get nervous...I don't like these feelings...

Maybe it's fate...but maybe it's another crush...

But I know for a fact...
I hate these feelings...


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