~~Chapter 44~~

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Y/N - your name
L/N - last name
F/C - Favourite Colour
L/F/T - Local football team
S/F/C - Second Favourite colour
M/N - middle name
F/F - favourite food
F/S - Favourite snack
E/C - eye colour
F/D - favourite drink like Pepsi
F/C - favourite Coffee if you don't like fizzy drinks
N/N - Nickname
I/N - Instagram name
H/S - Hair Style
F/S/T - Favourite Sweet treat
F/I/D - Favourite Iced Drink
R/N - Rival Name
R/H/C - Rival's Hair colour (A/N R.H.C is my initials XD)
R/E/C - Rival's Eye colour
R/L/N - Rival's last name
R/S/G - Rival's Ship name with Gene
S/N/G - Ship name with Gene

More to be added---------------------

Chapter 44 : Pain

Nothing From Social Media

*+*+*Y/N's POV*+*+*

(Small Time Skip To After The Week Off )

It's Monday. And I'm walking to school. Nothing's been the same after my time alone with Gene and my talk with Laurance. We had practices. I just pretended everything was fine.

"Hey!" I heard a voice behind me. It was soothing and male. I didn't recognise the voice. I just continued walking.

He's probably calling out someone else.

"Y/N...!" The voice called again. I stopped abruptly and turned around to face the person. To my surprise it was Garroth. I haven't really spoken to him.

"Oh hey Garroth!" I gave him a quick closed eye smile.

"We haven't spoke very much have we?" He laughed.

I smiled,"Then we should change that now."

"Haha True," He grinned.

"Want to walk to school with me or are you waiting for someone?" I asked.

"I'll walk to school with you...if..." He paused.

"If what?" I laughed.

"If you protect me from the fan girls," He chuckled.

I smirked,"Who knows...I might be one of them~."

He playfully rolled his eyes,groaning.

"I'm sorry,we should get going if we don't want to be late," I said.

"Ah yes of course!" He said.

We walked side by side,laughing,giggling,mocking each other's laugh.

We heard a loud shriek? Like a fangirl of some sort? Well I sounded like that.

Garroth and I looked at each them behind us. There stood the one and only...

Garroth muttered something but I didn't quite hear.

"Baaaaaaabe! Why are you walking to school with her?" The way Ivy said 'her' hurt. I blinked back tears and turned my head.

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