~~Chapter 36~~

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Y/N - your name
L/N - last name
F/C - Favourite Colour
L/F/T - Local football team
S/F/C - Second Favourite colour
M/N - middle name
F/F - favourite food
F/S - Favourite snack
E/C - eye colour
F/D - favourite drink like Pepsi
F/C - favourite Coffee if you don't like fizzy drinks
N/N - Nickname
I/N - Instagram name
H/S - Hair Style
F/S/T - Favourite Sweet treat
F/I/D - Favourite Iced Drink
R/N - Rival Name
R/H/C - Rival's Hair colour (A/N R.H.C is my initials XD)
R/E/C - Rival's Eye colour
R/L/N - Rival's last name
R/S/G - Rival's Ship name with Gene
S/N/G - Ship name with Gene

More to be added---------------------

Chapter 36: Life will always be hard

Nothing from Social Media

*+*+*Your POV+*+*+

I lay there in a hospital room,Gene's deep,husky voice was soothing me. But he was only doing this because I turned him on...right? He wouldn't ever love someone like me...

The doctor came back into the room.

"Mr (Whatever the fck His last name is xD) I need to speak to Miss L/N,"The doctor said.

"Yeah,Sure." Gene left the room. I seen hesitation in his eyes,

Does he not want to leave me? Nah of course not!

"Miss Y/N,you're on Anti-Depressants correct?"

"Yeah," I mumbled.

"I feel the ones you have,are too weak. I'll give you a prescription for stronger ones."

"Okay,"I muttered.

"And you haven't eaten in a while have you...?"

"No Sir,"

"That is what caused you to faint correct?"

"Yeah," I said.

"Since you're on Anti-depressants,I'll not prescribe you any for your Eating disorder but if this does happen again I might have to,"He explained.

"Okay,"I said.

He handed me a prescription,

"Thanks." I replied.

I got out of the bed I was in,and left.

Why is it ALWAYS me? I just wish the suffering would end. I just wish my life would end...

I looked around the waiting room,I felt arms around me,it felt...nice.

"Omi! I was so worried!" Zenix murmured against my hair.

"Heh...,"Was I could reply. I finally hugged back. When Zenix broke the hug,he laid a gentle kiss on my forehead. I blushed a tiny bit.

Then I felt eyes on my back. I turned around there stood Gene.

"Y/N...,"He croaked.

I ran to him and hugged him,like I was going to die tomorrow.

"Gene...? Have you been crying...?"

He hugged back,I could tell he was upset.

"Yeah...,"He smiled,breaking the hug. I looked deep into his eyes. Then he started tearing up.

"I'm so sorry,"He croaked,trying to hide his his tears.

"Gene...It's okay to cry sometimes...,"I smiled up at him.

"Shush Y/N,"He smiled. He hugged me again. I instantly hugged back.

"We should do something more happy," Zenix said after Gene and I broke the hug.

"Let's prepare for the Competition!" I suggested.

"Okay but not at my house. Dante is being an ass," Gene said.

"Then My house it is!" Zenix said.

We left the hospital and got a taxi to Zenix's house.

"Should we invite more people?" Gene said opening Zenix's front door.

"If you want,"Zenix said.

"We're allowed up to 3 groups right?" I asked

"Yeah,"Gene answered.

"Yay! That's good!!" I said.

"Why?" Zenix said,plopping unto his sofa.

"I want to be in a group with all my friends!" I beamed.

"Where's your Parents?" I asked looking around Zenix's house.

"My mum is Working and my Dad is at a friend's birthday," He answered.


"Who should be in our group?" Gene said.


Author's Note!~

Haaai! I am back again with updates! The updates will be frequent now! Hopefully everyday up until the last day of June which will be the end of this book...;-; BUT donut cry my child! Have a donut~🍩 There will be a sequel, and I won't be taking book requests on this account anymore...If you do have one,PM me and I'll write in on my main account woozis_midget (˃̵ᴗ˂̵).

Was that a rant? I think that was a rant XD

Anyways if you have read down this far,have a Taco!~ 🌮🌮🌮😂

Love from a so called fish called Radha 💞🐟😂
~Radha 💞💜
[✔️] Edited

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