Ch 2

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Y/N pov

I woke again but this time it's actually morning and the sun has risen. I saw the nurse was checking the general things.

"Seems like everything's in good health...You can get discharged today..." She spoke before putting my chart back and walking back out.

"Thats great! Come on I'll help you pack your things...then I'll drop you home.." Taehyung stood beside my bed and smiled at me.

"Actually....Can you call Jungkook...I want him to bring me home..." I smiled sadly at him and I could still see the slight pain in his eyes.. He still hasn't moved on and I feel like hell about it because I lead him on. But I just really want Jungkook right now..

"Sure...I'll call him." Taehyung took out his phone and started dialling his number.

Taehyung pov

I dialled Jungkooks phone and it took a while for him to answer but he finally did.


"Jungkook! Y/N is getting discharged today.."

"Hm okay.." What the fuck? Why is like this?!?

"Oh so you're going to collect her? Thats great! I was just about to ask!" I lied..I had to... It didn't seem like he was going to say it any sooner so I had to lie...Seeing the hope in her eyes to see him.

"What the hell? Hyung! I cant!" He replied which got me even more pissed off but I tried my best to hide it.

"Okay! Thats great! See you later then!" Y/N sat up from her bed looking excited to finally see him.

"Hyung!! I cant collect her right now! Im busy..please you bring her home.." Aishhh I swear this boy acts as if he's not married yet.

"What? Hm? Sorry I can't hear you properly...I'll go move outside..." I motioned some movements to show y/n that I was going outside the room.

"JEON FUCKING JUNGKOOK GET YOUR ASS HERE RIGHT NOW!" I whispered screamed at the phone now feeling pissed off myself.

"I told yo-"

"No! That doesn't matter! Jungkook are you kidding me right now?!?"

"Hyung I have work t-"

"Your own wife just had a miscarriage! Your child! Your daughter! She's gone! And what y/n needs right now is you! Her husband!"

"B-but Hyung I can't just leave!

"Jeon Jungkook you are the CEO of the company and you are telling me that you can't leave when your wife just had a miscarriage?!?"


"Jungkook! I swear to god! Get your fucking ass here right now or I'll just have to drag you by the balls from there to here! Im not joking!"

"Im leaving! Im on my way now! Aishhh!" He soon hangs up afterwards. What is going on with that boy?!? I would have never thought Jungkook could do this y/ a time like this they both need each other more than ever... his work has become his number one priority plus attending college at the same time I understand when he hardly has time for y/n at the moment but come on! They both just got out of a car crash...and because of this they lost their daughter! He could at least take some time off.


"Ready?" I asked y/n after I helped her stand up straight from the bed having all the things packed for her and we're now just waiting for Jungkook, who happens to be half an hour late..Aishhh Im going to grab him by the balls and swirl him around until their detac-... I was way too lost on how to kill Jungkook I didn't even realise that he's already here.

"Jungkook!" Y/N walked over to him excitedly despite the pain she's in.

3rd person pov

Jungkook wrapped his arms around y/n feeling comfort from her hugs just as much as she is. He only now noticed how much he really needed this hug.

" are you feeling?.." Jungkook still held her close while looking at her puffy red eyes.

"Much better now that you're here.." She went to kiss him on the lips.

"Aishhh..y/n my heart can't handle you.." Jungkook pretended to clench his chest in attempt to make her laugh and smile. And she does...but it was only for a second before a tear fell from her eyes remembering how she used to listen to her babies heart beat every time they go for an ultrasound.

Jungkook quickly notices and just stood there frozen. He didn't know what to do..he just stared at her. He's scared...scared that he'll damage her more...Taehyung cleared his throat and swinging his arms behind her to show him that he should hug her again. But Jungkook just stood there watching her wipe her tears away.

"Heyyyyy...uhmmm lets go!" Taehyung quickly held onto y/n waist to help her walk and they both did while Taehyung held the other bags.

Jungkook grabbed the other things thats left and soon followed behind them. He was starting to feel jealous at how Taehyung held y/n but he couldn't bring himself up to fight him off.

He knows he should have been there when y/n woke up but he just couldn't stand seeing her lying there mourning their own daughter knowing that he was the cause of it...
He blames himself about what happened... If he drove more carefully...he'd still have a child.
A daughter and a happy wife...

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