Goodbye Jungkook [ Last Chapter]

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"She's pregnant?!? Congratulations!!"
Hoseok went to shake the younger ones hands but he didn't budge from his seat at the couch and he just kept looking down.

"So what are you doing here?!? Why aren't you with your wife and family?" Jin asks excitedly himself.

Soon they all started to notice how he looks pale and his expression seems unreadable at the moment. He's fidgety and he can't seem to stay still.

"Jungkook-ah...whats wrong?" Taehyung finally asks and Jungkook just looks at him like he's about to say something but he's holding himself back.

"Why are you really here?" Jimin asks.

"I-....." Jungkook stops himself to speak any further.

No one dared to speak just wanting to give Jungkook time to speak up and so they just sat there in silence waiting.

"W-wh-" he stops himself again.

"Its okay Jungkook....We'll just listen to you...we won't judge.." They all somehow had a feeling why he was there and what he was feeling.

"I don't...I don't think she's safe with me..." Jungkook finally lets out making his hyungs sigh.

"You make it sound as if you were part of a gang or something!" Taehyung lets out at him.

"Hyung...I already caused the first mis-"

"And you're not going to cause another one!" Jimin reassures him.


"Jungkook! Its wasn't even your fault to begin with! The crash was caused because the traffic light was broken!" Jimin stands up from his chair and leaves the room.

He went into the kitchen and took out his phone .




[He's here...Don't worry He'll come home soon]


He already knew she'd be wondering where he was and be worried sick that he just left.

He goes back into the living room to see that Taehyung was being held back by the guys while Jungkook sat there still staring at the ground.

Taehyung : " Get your ass back in there JEON JUNGKOOK NOW!"

Hoseok : " Taehyung!"

Namjoon : " Calm down!"

Jin : " Taehyung this isn't helping!"

Taehyung : " How many times do you have to hurt her huh?!? How many times will keep being a coward?!? Jungkook youre her husband she picked you! You got your wife pregnant and you just leave?!?"

Yoongi : " Taehyung....he's going through a rou-"

Taehyung : " No hyung! Jungkook!"

Jungkook finally stands up from the couch and faces his hyungs with teary red eyes.

Jungkook : " I don't want to hurt her again..."

Taehyung : " Then GO! GO TO HER! DAMMIT!"

Jungkook : " But she's pregnant!!"

Namjoon : " can't be afraid for the rest of your life!...."

Jungkook : " I know...but right now.."

Taehyung : " But right now she needs you!"

Namjoon : " So what? You're just going to leave for 9 months until she's given birth?!?"

Jungkook : " No..."

Jimin : " Then what do you want to do?"

Jungkook : " I want to be there for her....every step of the fill all her cravings...feel our baby's heart beat...its kicks.."

Taehyung : " Then you have to learn to surpass your fears..."


"Y/N???...." Jisoo keeps knocking at her bedroom door but she's not opening. She's been sitting there on their bed with her legs crossed and her hands on her belly crying...

She can't bring herself up to understand why he left...Why he suddenly just walks out when he found out she's pregnant....

"Y/N?!? Open the door..." Its become night and she still hasn't opened the door to anyone. Although every time someone knocked she wished it was Jungkook.
But as the night got darker she's starting to lose hope that he's coming home at all.

~9 months later~

"Y/N congratulations!!! She's beautiful!!" I held onto the small being in my weak arms and I just admired her face...Her beautifully she got her fathers beautiful eyes...

"She has his eyes....and nose..." I felt a tear escape my eyes even if I tried to stop it.
She looks so fragile...almost too fragile to touch...

"Eomma....Im a mother...." I said as I finally let it sink in...
She held onto my face wiping my tears away that seemed to be pooling me eyes.

"Y/ should rest...." My Eomma takes her away from me and she puts her down in her cot beside my bed.

I looked at the door of the hospital room and I waited with a little bit of hope that maybe any second now he'll come barging in begging for my forgiveness and he wants this family with me...

Jeon Jungkook....Where are you?....
Even after all these months without you...I am willing to forget it all...just come back to me...lets raise our daughter together.
I love you.....please....just come back to me...

"Eomma....She won't have a father....I don't want her to grow up without a father..." she held onto my hands as I cried my heart and soul out...
Growing up without a father was difficult for me and I never thought that my own daughter would have to experience that too...

"I don't....but...he's gone...he left....find your happiness in your own daughter now....instead make her feel double of your love..."

She's right.....I have to stay strong for my own daughter....even she wont have a father...I will be here...I will be here for matter what...

I guess.....


Goodbye Jungkook.....

~The End~


Ahhhh Okay okay!!! You probably don't like the ending but.....oopss...
Anyway....Thank you so much for reading this ff❤️❤❤❤️❤️❤❤💚💚💚💜💜💜💚💚💙💙💚💚💖💚💚💚💚💚💚💜💜

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