Chapter 1

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Nicholas's POV:

*beep beep beep be-*

I turn off my alarm groaning and rolling off the bed, landing with a thump, making me groan more. "NICK!?! ARE YOU OKAY???" my big brother Hayes yells barging into my room. I hold up a thumbs up and I hear him laugh. "Well that's good to know.....Now get up couch potato its time for breakfast."

I sit up still sleepy and give him another thumbs up. He smiles at me before leaving my room. I groan and scratch my head looking around at my bedroom floor. There is papers everywhere and clothes overflowing my personal clothes basket. And for my desk, it is over flowing with papers, fanart and fanfiction .......yes.........I have an art desk......for fanart........and I write fan fiction.......the normal......for me......ANYWAY...I smell bacon and....eggs? Maybe pancakes.

I jump up off the floor and grab my glasses, putting them on. Then I run downstairs to the kitchen "I SMELL BACON!!!" I scream jumping onto the nearest persons back. They stumble towards and laugh. "Good morning to you to Nicky." Nash says setting me down and patting my head and I smile up at him.
"BOYS! Breakfast is being served come have a seat at the table." My mom Elizabeth calls. "Coming mom!" I yell and run to the dining room table, Nash and Hayes right behind me.

After everyone is settled and has there food we start to make convorsation. "so are you all excited for school?" Mom asks, taking a bite of bacon. Nash and Hayes look like they want to say something but they stay quiet, Skylynn, who is sitting next to me, starts going on and on and on about how she's so smart, going into the 3rd grade.....while I.......lost my appetite just thinking about school. I'm about to start High School...... And well. With all the bullying, stress, anxiety, ADD, and dyslexia....its just gonna suck.

"What about you Nicholas?" Mom says with a sweet smile. I hide my frown with a smile and nod "can't wait." Then I continue to pick at my food. Mom doesn't know about the bullies....and how I have no friends......well unless you count the librarian. We are cool.....but Nash and Hayes know about my school situation....I bet they are giving me looks of pity. I look up for a split second to prove my self.....correct...point Gryffindor..*sighs* I'm fine. "Well mom....actually Hayes and I have a question." I look to Nash in curiosity.... He looks nervous.

My mom looks at him with a face that says continue and he nods "well first we need to say something....Nick-" a look of surprise covers my face...what does this have to do with me??.. "Well Nicky .....Hayes and I recently became.....well .....famous and we were asked to go on tour," a smile spreads my face "OH MY GOD!!! CONGRATULATIONS! you need to do it!" I squeal excitedly. They smile sadly at me and Hayes says something that has me gone silent. "It's a year long tour."

"Oh" I finally get out, looking down at my food, pushing it around. I feel tears brim my eyes and Nash pulls me into a hug wiping away my tears that have fallen. "You explain this...we will give you privacy." My mom says taking Skylynn out of the room. Hayes sits in Skylynns original chair and rubs my back to try and help calm me down, trying not to cause an anxiety attack.....they are gonna leave friends in High school.... And the bullies will see no one by my side.....that's when I start sobbing...I'm gonna be alone.

"Nicky please calm down....breathe..we don't want you to have an anxiety attack." Hayes says softly. "Nicky....that's the question we were gonna ask mom okay? We want you to come with us."

I quiet my tears and look up to them in shock. "R-really?" "Of course. We can't leave you here in this stupid town by yourself......" Nash says still rubbing my back. "The question is do you want to come with us?" I nod really fast at Hayes's question and they laugh lightly... "Then all we need to do is ask mom." Nash says getting up....

Oh brother how will this go.....


A/N Well guys I hope you enjoyed the first chapter THE NEXT CHAPTERRRRR will be out next Saturday ... yup my updating day for my books....any who vote and comment any ideas or message me and i will see you next week, where I will write a longer chapter.....Later meh peeps.

Song- Rockabye - Nightcore version


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