Chapter 8

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Nick's POV:

I hear a cough, I look away from the T.V. and to the door to see Nash. I quickly scramble to a sitting position, Jacob looking at me confused until he sees my older brother.

"Oh hey Nash. What's up?" He says, trying to keep the nervousness from being shown.

Nash looks at us with a hint in anger but he looks mostly confused. "Dont hey Nash me. What's going on?"

I pull the innocent card "what do you mean? We are just watching teen wolf." I say it like it was the most obvious thing in the world.

"Then why are you two so close?" Nash questions further.

I sigh, frustrated but before I could reply Jacob says "He was shivering, probably has a cold, and I was just here to help warm him up."

I look to him impressed. He's great at this whole lying thing. I hear Nash sigh and I turn my attention back to him.

"I told you to take your medication when I brought you up here." I put my hands up in defense.

"You can't just tell me to do it and expect me to remember it. You know I forget about medication a lot." I say with annoyance in my voice.

"You forget about a lot of things." He mumbles but I pretend not to hear. "What was that?"

"Nothing. Take a nap and stop goofing around. I'll set up a doctor's oppointment for you later." I nod and he exits the room.

I groan and fall back onto the bed ad Jacob laughs. "Well Mr. Grier as your temporary doctor and with your brothers orders. I'm gonna leave you to sleep."

I bolt up from my place, wrapping my arms and legs around him. "No." I mumble into his shoulder.

He pried my arms off of him inordwr to pin me down. "Yes. You need to rest. I will come by to check on you in a little bit." I whine but stop immediately when he puts puts our lips together.

He pulls away, leaving me dazed and smiling. "There. Now go to sleep." He kisses my for head and turns off teen wolf. I cover my self in the blanket, baking a burrito and he turns off the light with one more goodbye.

I inwardly sigh and close my eyes, going into some much needed sleep.


I wake up to my text tone playing loudly. I sleepily open my eyes, rubbing them to get the sleep out. I yawn a bit and stretch, looking around.

I look to the beside table and see my phone received a text from Harry.

CurlyOne: Hey Nicky are you available right now?

I sigh and write a reply.

New One: I just woke up.... It's 5:40 you know this right. Isn't it late?

CurlyOne: Yeah but the boys wanted to meet up with you and hang out.... And we may or may not have a suprise for you.

NewOne: hmm a suprise.... I'm in

BlondeOne: YAY!

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