Chapter 13

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Nick's POV

"What the hell?!"

My head jerks up at the voice, my eyes still closed, my head pounding, I wince and open my eyes slightly to look at the clock. "Its 8 in the morning go away." I groan to whoever it was and cuddle back into my pillow.... My moving pillow? Eh.

"Nicholas Rider Grier you better get your ass up and explain to me what's going on." The voice yells once more. I let out an exasperated sigh, still not fully comprehending the situation and I sit up.

I lazily rub the sleep from my eyes and open them, waiting for the haze to go away and they widen seeing Nash. "Hi bubba. What are you doing here?" I ask innocently.

He glares at me making my heart clench. "I should be asking the same thing." He glances to my right and I follow his gaze.


My eyes turn into saucers. "I can explain.... Because this-" I motion to me and Jacob. "- is not what it looks like." What it looks like.... Is like we had sex and its the morning after.

"Then tell me Nicky. What happened!?!" He yelled once more making me wince. "First of all could you please be quiet I have a headache." He uncrosses his arms and looks at me with sympathy. "Just tell me what happened bubba."

I look to a sleeping Jacob and motion Nash to follow me, he sighs and follows me outside to the hallway.

I cross my arms over my chest and look up and down the hallway. I don't know why. Everyone should be asleep.

"Um-" I rub the back of my head, glancing up at Nash's confused face. "-Me and Jacob are dating. Annnddd we went on our first date last night. It's just just cuddling. Innocent. Okay?" I look back up to Nash to see him surprisingly calm.

"Why didn't you just tell me?" Was the first thing he said. "I-I don't.. Um.. I don't know. But could you please keep it a secret....." A blush spreads across my face revitalizing I had nothing to be scared of with him. Nash messes up my hair and kisses my forehead. "It's okay bub. Just tell me these things okay?.... But I guess I can keep the secret." I nod. He walks back to his hotel room leaving me standing there.

I walk back into the room after a minute to see Jacob taking up the entire space. I just sigh and go back to my bed to fall into a restless  sleep.





"Waste of space"


"Nobody loves you"

The words float around in my mind as I get my daily beating. My friends.... My old friends taking part in the torture.

"Michael left you because he didn't care! He forgot about you! He didn't want to catch your disease!" Everyone is laughing, a crowd of smiling facing surrounding me. Everything I'd in a haze now and suddenly I'm back home.

I walk into my bedroom and see my younger self in the corner, just rocking back and forth. I see the tears falling from my eyes, the blood stains underneath me and I realize where..  when i was.

I try and reach out for myself but my hand goes through what looks, feels, like a hologram.

"Nicholas!" I spin around, Nash shoots into the room, instantly by my side as I.... He whimpers apologies and sobs.

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