Chapter 5

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Nick's POV

The boys left early this morning for a meeting discussing Magcon and me not being apart of it had to stay in the hotel. I really want to go walk the streets and explore....but Nash and Hayes told me it would be dangerous to go by myself... You know what I don't care! I get up off the bed and get dressed in a blue sweater, black skinnie jeans and a pair of blue converse, and of course I grab my glasses, and $20 for food. Hopefully I get back before they do... I think walking out of the hotel.

-time skip-

Its about 1:00 and I think its time for a well deserved snack. and muffins....or spaghetti... Coffee and muffins. I haven't had breakfast yet so I think this should due. I walk into the shop and its pretty normal. People fill up the shop and the workers are rushing around. I walk to get in like and get my money out of my back pocket. I get up to the front and order a blueberry muffin and a Mocha Caramel Frappuccino.... Sounds delicious... She asks for $12.67 so I hand her the money and once I get my change I look for a seat.

I find a seat but me being my clumsy self I bumped into a stranger, spilling coffee all over me....surprisingly none got on the person. "Oh bloody hell! Wat- Oh I'm sorry are you okay?" I hear a British accent slip past his lips. I look up, oh woooww.....he's a cutie... He has short curly hair, beutiful Hazel-Brown eyes and the most adorable dimples.... "Y-yeah I'm fine." I look down to my shirt....ruined. I sigh. I look back at the boy "sorry I bumped into you. I could get you another coffee." I say quietly. Oh great the second personality.... Leave me be. Oh brilliant now I'm talking to myself. "Its fine. But your shirt is ruined... I'm not staying to far away maybe a block down. I could lend you a shirt after you get your coffee." Hmm I stand there thinking for a minute go to the hotel or with the stranger.... Stranger it is. I shrug "beats walking 3 miles back to a hotel. Sure." He smiles and sticks out his hand "The names Harry, Harry Styles." I laugh slightly and shake his hand. "I'm Nicolas Grier. But you can call me Nick." He nods and we make small talk, waiting for my food.

After a few minutes of talking I feel like I've been friends with Harry forever. HE IS SO SWEET! Don't ruin it. Well that wasn't My food comes and we start walking down the street, still talking and laughing. We write at this 2 storied house and he stops me. "Before we go in I would like to warn you....I have 4 other people living with me...we are apart of a band and we are on tour so..." I nod "its okay. I'm currently sharing a hotel floor with 12 boys." He looks at me with a confused look. "My brothers are apart of Magcon. Meet and Greet convention. I was taken along and that's their group." He makes an 'oh' face then laughs. "That must be fun." I shake my head "yeah! There a crazy bunch but there okay." He smiles and starts to walk toward the front door, me following behind.

As we walk in there are to people arguing over video games, a blonde boy eating cheetos on the couch and another boy just running around. The boy running around looks toward us hearing the door open and he smiles "HAZZA!!!!" He yells, running and jumping on Harry laughs and hugs him back. "Hey Lou. -laugh- I was only gone 2 hours." The boy roles his eyes and looks towards me confused "Who made you? And why is your shirt messed up?" I hear his British accent more clearer now. I look down embarrassed. "I-i um ran into harry and spilt coffee." Harry seems to notice my shyness and takes over. "I spilt my coffee on em so I brought him hear to give him a new shirt. He has to walk a long ways and I didn't want him to be all sticky." By now the whole group of boys got in on the conversation. "Hi I'm Niall!!" The blonde boy says. I smile slightly to him and the  start introducing each other "I'm Liam!" "I'm Zayn." "AND IM LOUIS!" the boy that called Harry Hazza says. I smile to them and wave "hi I'm Nicolas but you can call me nick!" "Nice to meet ya Nick. I'll go get him a jumper be right back." Liam says sweetly.

Soon I get my shirt and instead of leaving the boys and I actually talked for about 3 hours. "Wait so you guys are one direction?" I ask confused. They nod "Yup!" I smile "that must be cool!" I say dreamily. They all laugh. "Eh its even cooler when we meet other bands." Louis says. I look at him curious. "Who have you met?" "Fall out boy. Panic at the disco. 5 Seconds of Summer" Harry says but I stop him. "Who are they?" They look at me in shock. "You don't know who 5SOS is?" Niall asks. I shake my head. I hear an evil laugh and see Niall rubbing his hands together. "Be prepared to enter the fandom." Nial says, grabbing his labtop. I look to the others to see them facepalmed. I shrug and sit by naill, looking at  laptop.

He searches up 5SOS and I see some one very familiar. "Who's that?" I ask pointing to a Red headed boy on the screen. "Oh that's Michael Clifford. He's a sweet heart." My blood runs cold and the others look at me. "What's wrong?" Harry asks. "I know him. We used to be friends before he moved away..... I didn't know what happened to him... I guess I do now." I say looking at my hands. "Hey its okay!" Harry said rubbing my arm. We start up another random conversation desperate to change the sad atmosphere and about an hour later I get a text.



A/n I HOPE YOU ENJOYED THE CHAPTER!! I'm sorry I haven't updated in a while... I'm going through a writers block phase. But I'm gonna try harder. If you have any suggestions pm me or comment and vote if you enjoyed THANKS FOR STICKING AROUND!! <3

Song- Skinny Love - by Birdy


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