(Please please please see authors not at the end -VERY IMPORTANT-)
Two hours later Liam and the guys leave I make my way, up to my room with Jacob.
"What the hell, is your problem?" Nash asks me as we enter Jacob and I shared hotel room.
"Excuse me.." I ask confused "Where is your meds?" Nash asks as he starts going through the drawers.
"Nash-.." I start but he's already found the pill bottles "Wait... Why are these still half full!?" Nash asks.
"Because I've been skipping them.." I say as I become interested in my feet
"Excuse me!?" Nash exclaims "I'm sorry, Nash! It's just-.." I try to say.
"No! You lied to me!" Nash says "I swear if you weren't sick, I'd punish you!"
"It's my fault!" Jacob cuts in the argument "What?" Nash asks confused.
"I tend to rush him to do things sometimes, like I've been rushing in the while he's going to take it, and he always rushes and hurries to be my best friend.. I'm sorry it won't happen again" Jacob says and I sigh.
"Oh!.. Nicky I'm so sorry about blowing up like that! It's just you know how I am, you can't have a break down or something!" Nash apologizes.
"It's fine," I smile and he nods leaving the room.
"What the hell!?" I exclaim as Nash's footsteps become out of earshot.
"What?" Jacob asks confused "Why would you take the blame?" I ask as I put my arms around his neck.
"Because.. I kinda, sota maybe, most definitely care about you!" Jacob blushes I smile and lean in kissing my boyfriend, we go to the bed and we lay down enjoying the rest of the day
The next morning Jacob and I were making out on my bed when suddenly there's a loud banging on my door making us stop our current actions, I sigh as Jacob gets up pecking my lips before he does.
"Who is it!?" Jacob asks "Nash! Open up!" I hear my brothers voice Jacob sighs before he opens up the door letting Nash comes over to my bed and he gave me his bottle of water as he pulled the pill bottle out of my drawer.
"Here, you need to start taking these again!" Nash says "Fine!" I said as I swallowed the pill
"Thank you. The guys and I are downstairs in the pool, if you want to come!" Nash said
"Uh, yeah in a little bit.." I said.. what? I wanted to finish my make out session with Jacob..
"Okay.. what about you Jacob?" Nash asked as he turned around "Uh.."
Jacob looked at me behind Nash on my bed. I shook my head telling him to say no
"No! Yeah I'm going to shower!" Jacob said looking to Nash now "Okay! I'll see you guys later then!" Nash said, leaving soon after
"Okay! He's gone!" Jacob says running back to the bed and smashing his lips to mine I smile into the kiss as Jacob licks my bottom lip, asking for entrance.
I happily grant access and he now smiles as our tounges fight for dominance, before it gets more heated he pulls amay with a peck
"I hate to stop this.. but I'm going to go shower!" He smirks "What!?" I exclaim at him he just winks and makes his way to the bathroom.
A little later the guys and I are walking in the mall, when I feel a hand touch my butt.. oh hell no!!
I guess someone saw it because soon the guy is on the mall floor getting beat up by Jacob who is straddling him as he throws punches down hitting his face.I'm to frozen and shocked to move.
"Nick!" Matthew calls making me jump, I look and see that Jacob is walking with Nash and Carter to the Exit and the rest of the guys are following him
"Earth to Nick!" Matthew to laughs "I'm sorry! What is happening?" I ask confused "Well we're leaving! We're just going to go to Starbucks!" Matt chuckles.
I just nod and sigh as I follow him to catch up with the boys. I should probably talk to Jacob soon though.
When it's eleven Jacob and I make it to our room, I shut the door bringing him to my bed.
"So.. things happend today.." I trailed as I looked him in the eyes "Yeah.." Jacob looks down at his hands.
"Listen! I'm not mad!" I tell him honestly "if anything, I'm thankful that you care about me enough to do that! I mean that guy's face is super bruised now but.." I cut myself off as we both start to laugh our asses off.
"Thank you for not being mad at me Nick!" Jacob says smiling "No problem.." I smile back.
"And the reason I did that is because.. I'm falling in love with you Nicholas Grier!" He says and I can tell by the glint in his eyes that he's telling the truth.
"I love you to!" I exclaim as I lean in kissing his lips, which soon turns into a make out session and leads to both of us with our shirts off.. and our pants..
"I'm ready!" I say and yes I know we haven't been dating for that long but.. I honestly feel like he's the one for me, I'm in love.
"Are you sure-.." he starts but is cut off by a someone banging on the door like this morning, I look down and see the tent in his briefs.
"It's fine, I'll take care of it. You get dressed and answer the door. I'll be in the bathroom" Jacob smiles pecking my lips I quickly get dressed in my clothes and I go the door, looking through the peephole I see Hayes and I open the door curious as to why he was here.
He walks into the room smiling "Hey, I came back to get my charger from when we hung out earlier!" He says grabbing his charger.
"Oh, okay!" I exclaim and smile "Where is Jacob at?" He asks as he looks around curiously.
"He's in the bathroom!" I say quickly "you know Hayes I love you but I'm actually tired so I'm going to call it a night!"
"Alright, love you bro!" He smiled "I love you to!" I smile back as he leaves the room I go back to bed and a few minutes later Jacob comes out of the bathroom.
"So.. I was thinking. And maybe we should at least wait until we've been on two or three dates" Jacob says "Sure, I agree" I said nodding
"Now, good night I am going to sleep!" He says going to his bed he covers himself in his blanket I follow his actions on my own bed and fall into a peaceful sleep.
Hello! Thanks for comming and reading this. now onto the urgant part. This chapter was not mine. I didn't not write it. The person that has been helping me with both my magcon books, writing and with ideas, wrote it. He is Amirmartin23. Go give him a follow and read his books, they are amazin. He is so supportive and awesome. He is the reason this book is here. So thank you guys for reading and thank you Amirmartin23 for creating this awesome chapter. (*.*)
Song: Trouble by never shout never

Little Brother
FanfictionNicholas Grier..... he is the little brother to Nash and Hayes Grier. When Nash and Hayes need to go on tour, they want to take Nick with them. What happens when he meets the rest of Magcon and Nash and Hayes be one overprotective? Who falls in love...