Chapter 12

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Nick's POV:

"Hi Jacob."

I feel my cheeks radiate with heat when I see him. Jacob is dressed in a dark blue shirt, blue jeans and black converse.

He sticks out his hand for me to grbmab so I take it and he leads me into the hallway. Before I shut the door completely Matt yells "Good Luckkkk!" I just blush more and close the door.

When I look back to Jacob he is  looking me up and down causing my self consciousness to act up. I bit my lip and look down. "I can change if you want me to." I blurt out.

His head shoots up and he looks confused. "No, no, no. You look fine. Perfect. amazing.... Uhh." I can see the link tint on his cheeks and I giggle.

I start the walk down to the car, my hand still in his and we just walk in a comfortable silence.

"What beach are we going to?" I ask before getting into the passenger side of the car. "Well I know the one down a few blocks isn't normally busy at this time. So that one." I nod and he gets into the car to drive us to our destination.

Once we arrive on the beach he drives the car about a mile down, away from people and parks up by the rocks.

As soon as he parks I get out and look towards the water. The sun setting gives the blue water a beautiful Orange and link glow.

I look to Jacob to see him getting a picnic basket out of the trunk and on top of it is a blanket.

A permanent smile is on my face as we make our way closer to the water. We choose a spot that's not to close to were we would get wet but could get to the wateer within seconds if we chose.

Jacob sets the basket down and grabs 2 sides of the blanket and me, wanting to be helpful, grabs the other two sides so we can set the blanket flat.

After we do that he puts the basket in one corner and sits down. I follow his lead and helps him set out the food.

And let me tell you. He had slot of food in there.

There was apples, oranges, grapes, strawberries, pomegranates, a few sandwiches, chips, 2 Coca-Colas, and even cut up pineapple.

I stare at the food laid out infront of me. I look to Jacob egos giving me a cheeky smile.

"This is a lot." I laugh. "Well I didn't know what you wanted so I just picked out some things." He rubs the back of his head awkwardly "Itd perfect. thank you." I smile and kiss his cheek. A blush taints his cheeks as he gives a small 'your welcome'.

The rest of the date was spent laughing and talking about random things. I figured out that he has a cat named Henry and a dog named Cat. I was a little confused at first but I just ended up laughing for a straight 5 minutes.

After the sun had fully set and we just used candles as our light we decided to go back to the hotel. It was around 11:30 pm when we got back. I helped Jacob carry in the blanket while he carried the basket and with our free hands we just joined together.

Since we share a hotel room we don't really have to worry about waking anyone up, we just walked in and put up the date stuff.

"Jacob?" His head perks up at the sound of his name. "Yes babe?" I blush, even tho he's called me that multiple times it still impacts me. "I had a really fun time tonight." I shyly say. Jacob gives me a warm smile before walking over and pulling me into a hug.

"I'm galas you did. Maybe we can go on another date soon?" I can feel his breath fanning over my neck as he talks. I just nod, too distracted to focus.

Jacob lets out a chuckle and pulls his head far enough back to were he can connect our lips. I respond automatically, dragging my hand up to play with his hair. His grip on my hips tighten as I deepen the kiss, exploring any bit of his mouth that I can.

"N-Nick." Jacob interrupts. I look at him confused until I see his blushing face and him looking down. I follow his gaze and see that he has a situation that needs to be taken care of. I giggle and peck his lips before walking to my bed. "Go take a shower."

His face turns more scarlett and he hurries to the bathroom.

As he does that I grab pajamas and quickly change into them. I go to get into bed, but am torn.

I want to go to sleep. Buuuttt I wanna cuddle with someone. To solve the problem I just climb into Jacobs bed and wait.

He takes a bit in the shower before comming out, a towel wrapped around his waist, to grab his clothes. I think he thinks I'm not in the room or asleep because he starts changing in the room.... And can I just say.... Wow....

Jacob finishes getting dressed and climbs into his bed. He wasn't surprised to see me there but he was suprised, and embarrassed, to find me awake. With a permanent blush on his face, he wraps his arms around my waist and pulls me into his chest.

We lay in a comfortable silence. Our limbs tangled together. The moon's light shinning from behind the curtain. It was peaceful. And perfect.

And that was how we fell asleep.


Word count: 960

A/N I'm so sorry if this is scrappy and sucks and has mistakes and you hate it. I have been very busy this week. And this next week I will be even busier. As you guys should know. School is starting up soon, so me and my family are going back to school shopping and stuffs then we have to get schedules and meet our teachers and also this coming weekend A WEEK BEFORE SCHOOL STARTS my family is going on a mini vacation. But don't worry everything will be okay....... Sort of.

Anyway. Thank you for reading this, and voting if you did. If you did enjoy this. I'm very happy and it means a lot. I will write to you guys later. BEH!

Song: 18 by: Anarbor


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