Chapter 11

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Nick's POV:

I have been thinking a lot about want Jacob said the other night and I'm starting to wonder a lot of things.

When will we go on a date?

Will he even want to go on a date with me?

What if he's just using me because of my brothers?

What if he thi-

My thoughts are cut off my phone beeping. I pick it up from the bathroom counter and open up my messaging app.

TheBae: Hey hey hey hey hey hey hey hey hey hey hey hey hey hey hey hey hey hey hey hey

TheKitten: What!?!

TheBae: don't yell at meeeeeeeeeeee..... But I was wondering...

I felt my heart speed up. WHY MUST HE DO THIS TO ME!?

TheBae: would you like to go on an actual date?

The Kitten: NO WAY!!! I WAS JUST THINKING ABOUT THIS!! YES YES YES YES YES!! I'm so excited! Where will we go? Should it be a double date? Are we going to tell Nash?

TheBae: first off. Calm. Down. Please.

I giggle at this and put my phone down for a minute to finish brushing my teeth and when I pick it up I see a new text.

TheBae: We could go have a picnic at the beach, maybe 6 o'clock tonight. Can we go by ourselves? And yes ..... We need to tell your brothers. I mean it's weird that everyone else knows and not Hayes and Nash.

TheKitten: yeah. We can go by ourselves. We are big people now!! But obekaybe. I can't wait!

I throw my phone in the bed and squeal.

This is real. My first date. This is going to be so much fun!!!

Take a deep breath. It's not until tonight anyway.

I let out a breath, the smile staying on my face and I quickly text Matt to come over.

I hear a knock at the door and imminently pulled the person, Matt, in.

"What's up?" He asks , sitting in my bed as I pace. "Jacob asked me on a date but I don't know what to wear. What I'd I don't look good? What if he cancels and I'm stuck here embarrassed? What if he ditches me because I'm-"

Matt holds up his hand "Stop. Breathe. Your date isn't until to ight right-" I nod "- Then you have nothing to worry about. He loves you okay? You just gotta trust him."

"Thanks Matt." He smiles "no problem... Now let's find a cute outfit." I giggle and pull up my suitcase.

Mathew digs threw my clothes, looking for something that maches. "Do you have anything other than flannels?" I blush and nod showing him my sweater. "Perfect. Its chilly outside so perfect timing."

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