Nick's POV:
The boys are all excited, mostly Ashton who is fanboying, to meet the boys. I personally am worried.. What if Nash gets mad at me again... Would he understand? I'm not supposed to leave the hotel room but I have to.
I shake the thoughts from my head and open the door that leads to the pool. I see the guys still splashing around and doing cool tricks. I hear a squeal and everyone turns to Ashton who looks down sheepishly. "Sorry. I'm just so excited!!! I'm meeting magcon!!!" We all laugh and as we get closer one of the boys notice us.
"Um.. Nicky.. why is 1D and 5SOS walking behind you?" He asks almost in shock. I giggle and the rest of the boys swim to the edge of the pool. Most show excitement on their face and some look confused.
"Well guys. These are my friends. Ash, Luke, Mikey, Cal, Lou, Hazza, Liam, and Zayn.... Or 1Direction and 5SOS." I say casually.
"Um how did this happen?" Nash gives a small gare towards me as if saying 'We will talk later'. I sigh. "Well remember how I want here when you guys got back from the meet and greet.-" the boys nod still confused "-I ran into Harry who spilled his coffee on me so he took me to his house for a shirt and bam... I met the boys, I just didn't know they were a band. Oh then just an hour ago They brought these four weirdos to my hotel room because Mikey is my childhood best friend." I take a big intake of breath. That was a lot.
I look to Nash who has a slight guilty look on his face but I shrug it off as Ashton releases another squeal. "I'm sorry I couldn't contain the fanboy inside of me! YOUR MAGCON!!! HIII!!!" He waves excitedly to the boys and Shawn, Matt, and Taylor wave back just as excited.
"Hello!" Shawn greets and gets out I'd the pool. The rest of the boys start to talk to my new found friends and soon everyone is out of the pool and having conversations.
"Babe.." I feel someone wrap their arms around my waist form behind.... Jacob. I smile and lean into him. "Hi." I smile cheekily and he smiles back, giving me a quick peck on the lips before resting his head on my shoulder.
We stay like that until Michael walks up to us. "Hey Nicky. Can I talk to you?" I nod and Jacob lets me go. Mikey leads us to the other side of the pool so we an talk without the boys to butt in.
"What's up?" I ask confused. "I just wanted to talk more.." He states. I nod and motion for him to continue. "What did you mean by school hasn't changed? What's happening in that department?" I shake my head.
"The bullying hasn't stopped. But it will never. I will always get hated for where I go." He goes to object but I send him a 'let's not continue' look. He just nods then asks "How have you been eating? Is your anorexia better?"
I let out a laugh... He's really been gone for a while.
"I have gotten over my anorexia. I mean... I have bad days but that's better tan not eating at all. And I am eating a lot more." I state. He looks a little doubtful but nods.
"Have you been keeping up with your medication?" I blush slightly and shake my head. "Not really.... I mean I normally get it on time but Nash has to remind me every once and a while." He laughs. "Of course.... So about you having a boyfriend.. how long has that been going on?" He wiggles his eyebrows at me.
I turn more into a tomato. "I-Um... Yeah well we actually started dating today..... But I've liked him for about 3 weeks. He was helping me out. I'm actually sick right now so..." He looks at me wide eyed. "Your sick?! Then why are you out here?!" I groan.
"You sound like Jacob." He grabs my upper arm and drags me back to the boys. "Jacob can you go get a blanket for Nicky here?" Jacob nods, runs inside and is out before you could say 'I'm batman'.
"Why does he need the blanket?" J.J. asks from his spot in the sitting circle. Yes. They are all sitting in a circle, outside of a pool.
"Well little Nicky here is sick." I feel a glare and look to Nash.... Yup I'm in trouble... "Why are you out here if your sick?!" Louis exclaims. I shrug "I wanted you guys to meet the boys."
Jacob comes and wraps the blanket around me securely making sure that I stay warm while Harry continues a rant. "You could have told us you were sick! What if you got hurt? And had to go to the hospital?! Imagine how sad I would be. I would pull the puppy face and everything! Maybe you should go back inside. Wait what's wrong with you anyway?" Harry takes a deep breath looking at me.
"I have a cold. I got pushed into the pool and I'm guessing I didn't warm up in time." He makes an 'o' face and nods. "Well me and the boys can always come back another time." "Yeah..." Niall walks up to me and gives me a hug. The rest of the boys soon following.
"We will be back soon. Or if you he bored of these losers call me and yu can come over." Niall giggles as the boys pout and complain about being losers.
Mikey walks up and gives me a bear hug and whispers "we can catch up more later." I nod and wave goodbye as they walk out Of the pool area. I turn to the boys and most of ten are looking at me with a 'Your in trouble.' look.
"Guys I am fine. You're all just over reacting." I pull the blanket more around myself and start my walk upstairs.
I hear someone mumble something and Jacob comes running by my side. He smiles to me and I smile back, then we both make our way to our hotel room.
A/N how'd you like it? Was it boring? Be honest... What do you thinks gonna happen next? Cause I don't know.... No one knows... Anyway I appreciate you taking your time in reading this book and I will see you..... Write you next time. BEH!
Song: Fashion by Jon Bellion - Nightcore version

Little Brother
FanfictionNicholas Grier..... he is the little brother to Nash and Hayes Grier. When Nash and Hayes need to go on tour, they want to take Nick with them. What happens when he meets the rest of Magcon and Nash and Hayes be one overprotective? Who falls in love...