Chapter 15

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~2 months later~

Nothing. That's what they found.

The police gave up a while ago, calling it a teen run away, no matter the evidence.

The boys never stopped looking, Jacob never stopped looking. He was going to find his lover.

They created more tours, in order to search around the world. It had torn them all apart. All they wanted was to find their friend.

They put up fliers and posted on social media, there was even a reward. They had millions of fans searching.

Every report had been empty.

They decided a break for tour would be best. They went back to the city Nick was lost in. They knew when... If he got the chance he would come home all they had to do was wait and see.


As for our little Nicky..... It's worse. He now knows everything and is days closer to the slave auction. He's waited patiently, he's wanted for Jacob, he just never came. Nicky missed him.

Not just him but all of the guys. He just wants to be taken home and cuddle with his sister. Even though he can't remember her name... He still knows she exists. He's gone through so much he's learned to not think about home. He remembers his birthday was a few days ago but all he can think about now is survival.

Minor brainwashing happened for about two weeks. Then training took a toll. All in all it was hurtful.


Time skip - night of auction

"We think we found him."

Those were the words Jacob has been dying to hear.

"How? When? Where is he?" He rushes excitedly. Nash smiles softly at the boy.

"One of our fans are an undercover agent. She had been going to things under the radar to help us... And tonight there is a slave auction. She says there is a boy in rolled named Nick. There is no more information." Jacob deflates. "How do we know it's him?" Asks Mathew.

"We have to take the chance."

"I want to go." Jacob demanded. Nash was about to denie but he didn't have the heart to. Jacob was in love with his brother and he was not going to be the one to keep them apart.

"Okay. Me and you... Get ready we leave at 5." Jacob glances at the clock.

Okay that gives him 30 minutes to get ready and pack for Nick. Jacob believes that Nick will want a change of clothes... He's not wrong.

"Why can't I go?" Hayes asks quietly. Jacob let's out a sigh. "Because it's an auction. Nash probably doesn't want to scar you." Hayes pouts, making his boyfriend pull him into his lap.

Jacob gives a soft smile to the two before going upstairs and grabbing supplies.

Jay: We think we found Nick. We are about to head out to get him.

Irish: WHAT?! WHERE?!

Brit: May I go with?!

DadDirection: Please stay say and bring Nicky home safely!

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