Chapter 7

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Angela Pov:

I woke up at 6 to get ready for school. I haven't been in 3 days, I know I'm going to have a lot of work to make up.

As I showered I thought about Bruno he just makes my heart flutter. I've have never felt this way about anyone it's weird. I don't even know him and I'm attracted to him already. 

I got out and dressed in sweatpants and a t-shirt "fuck it , I'n dressing comfortably today"  I looked in the mirror and saw the little pudge in my stomach , I sighed and rubbed my stomach.

I then walked downstairs and got some cereal. Eating it real quickly , I walked out the door and started heading to a bus stop.

30 mins later.......

I arrived at school and Ashley came running to me.

Ashley:  Omg!! Ang. Where have you been ? We thought you went missing!! Are you Ok? She said while checking me out for bruises and scars.

Me:  I'm fine I'm fine it's only been 3 days calm down.

Alex then came over.

Alex: Where have you been ???? He sadi angrily like he was my father "My father oh that son of a bitch "

Me: Omg can i not be out for 3 days I was busy Mom and Dad . I spat out sarcastically. "I haven't even been here for 15 mins and people already pissing me off like damn "

Ashley and Alex screamed together " BUT YOU COULDN'T CALL US OR RESPOND TO ANY TEXTS"

I chuckled.

Me: I needed a break you guys CHILL. I promise next time i decide to disappear I'll notify yall ok.

Ashley: We're coming over today ! She said in a demanding tone.

Me: Ummm... No you can't . I said nervously.

Alex: Why not we come over all the time.

Me:  The timing isn't right we..we..we are redecorating the house um... thats why i wasn't as school. I said hoping that they will believe my lie.

Alex eyed me suspiciously.

Alex: Mhm Ok.

The bell sounded THANK GOD " Ok maybe that was overboard"  and school started.

8 Wasted hours later.....

School was over finally nothing new happened eveerything happened like it did everyday. Ashley and Alex walked out with me. I started walking away but Alex's Screaming stopped me.

Alex: Hey where you going? I thought we was going to hang today ? 

" Did i tell them that ? Shit i need to think of a way to get outta this and fast."

Me: Oh i have to get home. I have to much work to catch up on.

Ashley: Ok well I guess I'll see you later.

30 mins later........

I arrived at Bruno's house and knocked " Sadly I don't have a key " Bruno came to the door , he looked shocked and let me in , grabbing a few books from me. 

He then whispered.

Bruno: Heads up there are a few ppl in there.

I only nodded and walked in the room. I saw 4 boys and a girl they stopped what they were doing and looked at us... well me.

Phil: Ummm... Bruno who is this?

Bruno: Oh um this is my friend she needed a place to stay.

Janelle: Oh hi sweetie I'm Janelle and this is My knot head boyfriend Ryan. "she pointed to the boy next to her who had strikingly blue eyes" 

Me: Hi I'm Angela.

They then went around a circle and introduced themselves. I got aqainted with them and felt comfrotable.Then another girl walked in and everything shifted She looked at me and yelled.

Jessica: Who is she and why is she here?

I slumped into the couch and felt intimidated.

Janelle: Ayye! chill she's Angela and because she's staying here. If you have a problem there is an exit right to the left you can use it. Are you here to ruin her life too?

Jessica: I haven't ruined anyone's life.

Bruno then Mumbled " Yeah right . Stop Lying bitch.

I gigled.

Jessica: And what are you laughing about Bitch ? She spat venomously.

A burst of Anger ran through me .

Angela: Oh nothing just for the fact that some people think otherwise and don't call me a bitch because next time i won't hesitate to put you in your place.

Everyone looked at me with shocked expressions.

I then got up and started to walk up the stairs but stopped. 

Me: Bye Phil , Kameron , Jamareo , Janelle , and Ryan . Nice meeting you ! Bitch ! I spoke and everyone knew i was directing it towards jessica.

I walked Upstairs and laid down .

Bruno Pov:

I sat down and got ready to hear Jessica Bitch about everything.

Jessica: Who is she Bruno ? she said slightly annoyed.

I sighed and ran my fingers through my hair.

Me: She already introduced herself !! And she's a friend why you worried about it?

Jessica: It does matter because we're getting married and i want to know all the females that are around you!

Me: Don't fucking remind me and who she is to me is not your concern and if you're done here you can show yourself out the door!


" I almost gave a fuck about what she said "  I laughed real loud at her attempt to try to scare does she not know i can end her when I want to her life is in my hands.

Me:  You put no fucking fear in my heart Now bitch be gone!

She stormed out and afterwards everyone else left too mumuring a bye and a see you later.

I walked upstairs to my room and opedn ther fridge I had in there. I haven't fed in a while . I need this to stay alive. I grabbed a bag a blood and bit into it.

After i finished the blood I took a shower and went to sleep.

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