Some people tend to say "no one is alone" but when I really think about it, everyone at some point in time has been alone. Whether your alone in your room... or your in a crowded place but you don't know anyone; in both cases you are alone, one is just what most people think being alone means. But what I think being alone really means is having or feeling like you don't know anyone somewhere or don't have anyone to talk to or be with. I know that it might not make sense to those who haven't felt true loneliness... but anyone who has, I know how you feel. When at my loneliest I feel like giving up, not talking to anyone (because they won't understand) but that was before I met one of my very closest friends (this is going to sound cliche) but he changed my life and now I don't feel as alone because I know I always have him to talk to. I am so thankful to have met him and I hope all of you meet someone who can truly understand... and if you can't find someone you can always pm me, I'm always happy to listen.