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(I didn't wanna spam my one-shot book with HildaxN lol)

"Hey! Plasma jerk! Give Cinccino back!" Hilda yelled chasing a Team Plasma grunt deep into the forest on route 7.

Hilda could hear Cinccino's screeches and cries, which only made it more vital that she get her Pokémon back.

"In your dreams, trainer scum!" The grunt called back, running into a clearing in the forest. The grunt stopped abruptly in the clearing and Hilda caught up before stopping as well.

"My king!" The grunt said.

Cinccino became motionless as she looked at the third person in the forest.

"Put the Pokémon down" he commanded.

"But sire-"

"Now. We are not to steal Pokémon, we are to persuade trainers to release them. Put the Cinccino down"

The grunt hesitantly put Cinccino down, and the Pokémon ran over to Hilda and jumped in her arms.

Hilda gave Cinccino a big hug, "Oh Cinccino, I'm so glad you're okay!"

"Lord N-" the grunt began.

"-Leave" N cut off.

The grunt glared at Hilda before running off.

Once the grunt was out of sight, N sighed. "I'm sorry about that"

Hilda looked at N suspiciously.

"I didn't send him after you, I promise"

"I thought you wanted trainers and Pokémon separated" Hilda said.

"I do-" N said, "but we're rivals remember? I want you to have a fair chance against me when I'm recognized as the hero"

"Right..." Hilda mumbled. "So what are you doing out her, your majesty?" Hilda asked, stressing N's title.

N scrunched up his nose, "I heard there was a sick Pokémon on top of Celestial tower, so I came here to help, but my friends informed me that it was already taken care of"

Hilda chuckled, "Yeah that was Skyla"


"Yeah," Hilda said, the Pokémon in her arms scurrying on top of her head. "She's the gym leader of Mistralton city"


"Oh my god, right?" Hilda said in a mocking tone, "What's disgusting?" She asked in her normal voice.


"Ah. Hear that Cinccino?" Hilda said, picking her Pokémon up from her head and sitting in the grass. She put her Pokémon on the ground and held the Pokémon's paws. "Gyms are bad! Rawr!," she said in a voice attempting to mimic N's.

"Cinno!" Her Pokémon laughed, wiggling its ribbons.

N rolled his eyes and sat across from Hilda.

"I don't sound like that" he defended, patting Cinccino's head. Cinccino purred at the affection.

"'I don't sound like that'" Hilda mimicked.

"Okay, okay" N sighed, taking his hand off Cinccino's head.

Hilda giggled and N smiled. Cinccino scurried over to N and forced her head under his hand.

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