Late night worries

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(There is a brief mention of sin at the end of this just letting ya know k? K)

Hilda heard a knock on her door late at night. Hilda's husband N was asleep, but her son Illusion had woken up in the middle of the night crying. He seemed better after his mother came to pick him up, but for an odd reason refused to go back to sleep.

Hilda looked at the door suspiciously, hoping whoever it was would realize their mistake and leave. To her dismay, someone knocked again. Hilda groaned and set her young child on the ground before slowly walking over to the door.

Someone pounded on the door again, this time, yelling Hilda's name. Hilda blinked at the familiar voice.

Hilda opened the door to see her close friend Rosa standing at the door, a stressed look on her face.

"Oh it's you" Hilda said unamused, "What a surprise" she hissed.

Rosa flinched, "I know you're upset about the other night, but I really needed to talk and I didn't know who else to go to!"

Hilda scanned her friend- she seemed desperate, if anything. With a sigh, Hilda let the girl inside. Rosa's eyes darted around frantically until they finally landed on the young child, who was wobbling around in an attempt at walking.

"Hey bud!" Rosa chirped, walking over to the boy and picking him up. She hugged the child and asked, "What're you doing up so late?"

"'Dunno" Hilda admitted, "He just started crying and I had to get up"

"N couldn't get up?"

"N has work in the morning"

"Oh...Maybe Illusion had a bad dream?" Rosa wondered, setting the child back onto the ground.

Hilda shrugged, "You said you needed to talk?"

Rosa became stressed again, "Yeah well ya know how I had water instead of a drink the other night?" she asked, tense.

Hilda raised an eyebrow, "Yes?"

Rosa fiddled with her Xtransceiver, "W-Well..."

The pieces fell together, "You're pregnant" Hilda stated.

Rosa seemed unable to speak, so she just nodded frantically.

"And this is a problem becaaaause?" Hilda pressed.

"Hughy is gonna leave me!" Rosa shrieked, throwing herself on the Harmonia's couch.

Hilda rolled her eyes, "Now why would he do that? It's not like you're teenagers"

"But we're still so young! He's bound to leave me!" Rosa cried.

"I'm twenty three" Hilda argued, keeping a close eye on Illusion, who was waddling around.

"But you're married..."


Hilda didn't see a problem- her and Hugh were in love, so there was no way Hugh would abandon her because she was pregnant. There had to be more to it.

"So, we aren't! He doesn't have to stay! He'll leave!"

"Are you sure that's it? I honestly don't believe Hugh would leave you"

Rosa sighed, "And"

"Here we go. What is it?" Hilda asked.

"Well I-"

"-Illusion don't touch that!" Hilda shrieked, running to her son and picking him up before he could stick his fingers in the outlets in the wall. The mother laughed nervously, "Go on"

Rosa smiled and rolled her eyes, "I'm just afraid..." her smile faded, "My career will be ruined..."


"I just don't know if anyone will still want to hire me for movies, or...what if...what if I'm just not a good mom?"

That was it. It wasn't Hugh. It wasn't the job. It was the fear of failure.

"Oh Rosa," Hilda sighed, sitting on the arm of her couch, her son on her lap, "I'm sure you'll be an excellent mother"

Rosa sat up and moved over so Hilda could sit on the actual couch. Hilda sat Illusion on the couch first and slid down next to him.

Rosa scoffed, "Easy for you to say!"

"And why is that?"

"You're an amazing mom"

Hilda laughed. She laughed so hard, it surprised Rosa. Why was this so funny?

"Oh come on! You can't honestly believe that!" Hilda laughed.

Rosa looked confused, "Um...What?"

"I'm sorry" Hilda said, composing herself, "I meant that I felt the same way as you when I first found out I was pregnant"

Rosa blinked in surprise, "Really?"

"Of course. I was terrified. Thought I would be unfit"


"Well I honestly never really planned on having kids. I never really paid much attention to them. But when this little guy was born," Hilda explained, poking her son's cheek lightly, earning a giggle from the young child, "It was different. Sure I didn't really know anything about children, but I knew about him. I figured that no matter what, I should try to be the very best mother I could be. For his sake"

Rosa soaked in the information quietly, "So...What do I do?" she asked.

Hilda shrugged, "Whatever works for you"

Rosa frowned, "Thanks Hilda" she groaned.

Hilda chuckled, "You're welcome"

"Can I ask one more thing?"


"How did you get pregnant before me? I mean, no offense, but N is...N"

Hilda shifted her weight uncomfortably, "Let's just say we aren't you"

"Oh" Rosa snickered.

Hilda rolled her eyes and picked Illusion up, who was yawning, "I'm going to put Illusion back to bed. I suggest you go home. You've got to talk to your boyfriend miss missy"

Rosa sighed and stood up, "You're right"


Rosa glared at her friend. Hilda stuck her tongue out in response.

"Who gave you a kid?" Rosa asked teasingly.

Hilda stood up, walking towards the long hallway that connected all of the rooms in the house, "N" She sighed happily, disappearing into the corridor.

Rosa smiled faintly, turning and exiting the house, with news to tell Hugh.

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