Are you sure?

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"Mom are you sure you can watch him?" Hilda asked worriedly, watching her mother coo over her son.

Hilda's son giggled as his grandmother peppered his face with kisses, "Hilda, love, you're being dramatic!"

"Mooooom" Hilda whined.

Hilda's mother turned to her daughter's husband, "Don't tell me you're going to be like this too"

N's posture was tense, "No" he said, his voice octaves higher than normal.

Hilda's mother rolled her eyes, "You two need a night out more than I thought"

Hilda pouted, "I don't think-"

"-I want to hear no more complaining. You two are going to go out and spend time with your friends if it kills you"

"It might!" N argued. N's son giggled and reached out for his father only to have the boy's grandmother walk away from the couple.

"You two have no discipline, do you?" The boy's grandmother sighed, placing the young child on the floor to play.

"But Illusion needs us!" Hilda cried.

"When's the last time you two have gone out?"

N and Hilda exchanged looks, "Um...never" Hilda confirmed.

Hilda's mother tsked, "My point exactly! You two need a night. Even if you'll spend it with your friends"


"-Honey, I know you're worried, but Illusion will be fine! I have raised my own child, you know" The grandmother argued, placing her hands on her hips.

The couple sighed, "Okay" they said simultaneously.

"Good! Now if you two are to need me to watch the boy for the night..." Her mother suggested.

"Mom!" Hilda scolded, flustered, "Not in front of the precious child!"

"He's only one"

"I was talking about N"

"Hey!" N protested.

"Just go! Have fun!" Hilda's mother ushered, pushing the couple out the door.

"But I wanna say goodbye to-"

The door slammed.

"Illusion..." Hilda grumbled.

"Is this a bad idea?" N asked.

"Yes! Definitely!" Hilda said.

"Are you crying?"

Hilda sniffled, "No!" She lied, rubbing her eyes.

"Well...I trust your mother, Hilda. We'll only be out for a few hours..." N said trailing off.

"No that's too long!" He added.

"I know!" Hilda agreed.

"But I do trust her"

Hilda got a text from her mother.

Get going


"Hilda! N!" Rosa yelled, waving her friends over to their table.

They were at a fairly busy restaurant, with waiters and waitresses scurrying about, carrying food or drinks.

The couple sat in the chairs next to their friends Bianca and Cheren, and across from Rosa and Hugh.

"So! Your first official night out since the baby's been born? How's that going?" Bianca asked.

"Oh well just great" Hilda said sarcastically, "I only want to cry thanks for asking"

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