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(Ft. Children of my ships lmao)

"Will you hurry up? We're going to be late!" Juniper yelled to her brother. She pounded her fists on his apartment door- an attempt to hurry him up.

Illusion's Zorua sat at Juniper's feet, "He was up late last night" she said.

"Doing what?"

At that moment, Illusion's door swung open, and a young woman awkwardly smiled at Juniper and quickly walked out of the apartment. Illusion came up to the door in nothing but sweatpants.

"Hey sis!" He chirped innocently.

Juniper glared, "You're sick ya know that?"

"I have no idea what you're talking about" Illusion lied, his Zorua jumping onto his shoulder. Zorua rubbed her face against her trainer's.

Juniper raised an eyebrow.

"Okay I slept with some girl last night, what's it to you?" Illusion asked, strolling back into his apartment, leaving the door open for his sister to follow.

Juniper walked inside and slammed the door behind her, "We're gonna be late because of you" she hissed.

"Late?" He asked, "Late for what?"

"Brunch? You promised Raven you'd come to brunch with us"

Illusion nodded, "Oh yeah...are Ada and Danny gonna be there too?"

"Why wouldn't they be?"

"Just asking" Illusion sang, strolling into his bedroom. A minute later, he emerged with a sweatshirt that matched his gray pants.

"We going or what?" Illusion asked, grabbing his keys off the counter.

"You're not gonna shower or anything?" Juniper asked.

"I think he looks nice" Zorua interjected.

"See? Zorua has faith in me" Illusion said.

Juniper rolled her eyes, "Let's just go"


"Why are you late?" Ada hissed as the two Harmonia siblings sat down.

"Why do you think?" Juniper responded.

"Well if it's your had trouble with your hair" Danny answered.

Juniper blushed, "Nuh-uh!"

"If it's Illusion's fault..." Danny continued, "He slept with some girl"

Illusion pointed finger guns at Danny, "Got it Qwilfish Jr. "

Danny was about to retort, but Raven chimed in, "Okay, doesn't matter why they were late...since now they're paying for lunch" she smirked.

Juniper groaned, "But it wasn't even my fault!"

Zorua reached for a glass of water on the table from Illusion's lap. Her trainer grabbed the glass and brought it to the Pokémon's muzzle.

"Come on Rae, surely someone as smart and beautiful as you knows that that's silly" Illusion flirted in an attempt to get out of paying for everyone's meals.

Raven blushed, but Ada groaned, "How does that work on you? He's not even that good!"

Illusion raised an eyebrow, "Oh? Is that so?"

"You find anything that wears a skirt attractive" Ada retorted.

"That's funny" Illusion said. Zorua pushed the glass of water away from herself and Illusion placed it back on the table.

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