Morning after

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"Well see I thought that movie would suck but you surprised me" Illusion said, throwing an arm around Ada's shoulders.

Ada rolled her eyes. He'd been flirting with her all night and she was almost getting sick of it. Almost.

"Whatever" Ada mumbled, sinking into the couch she and her friend were sitting on.

One of the other leads had thrown an after party for the cast of the movie after the premiere. Most of the cast had shown up, and even some of the crew members were invited.

Illusion raised an eyebrow and smirked, "What's the matter Ada?" He wondered, taking her hand, "Trouble in paradise?" He asked, kissing her hand.

Ada blushed madly and Butterfree swarmed in her stomach. She wanted to spray the Butterfree in the face with a repel.

"Why are you doing this?" Ada asked, her blush still prominent.

"You told me I couldn't flirt with 'anyone else'" Illusion explained, leaning in and hovering his lips over Ada's neck, "So I'm not" he whispered.

Ada shuddered. She hated that she shuddered. She knew that's what Illusion wanted. She was just someone he could flirt with. She didn't want to give him the satisfaction, but it was so hard.

"Stupid Illusion with your stupid loopholes..." Ada muttered.

Illusion beamed and his eyes sparkled. His smile returned the Butterfree in her stomach and made them flutter again.

Stop it, she thought, scolding herself, Raven likes him. Girl code- you cannot go after him.

Well why not? She doesn't have to find out...

"I wanna go home" Ada murmured.

"Really? Shame. I was kind of hoping I'd get to bug you more. Oh well" Illusion said, slight disappointment in his voice.

The pair got up from the couch and Ada said goodbye to her cast mates and excused herself.

"Thank Arceus I can take this off" Illusion sighed as they walked outside, tugging at the collar of his tux.

"What?" Ada squeaked.

"What? It's uncomfortable"


"So what hotel were you staying at?" Illusion asked.

"Oh I actually was hoping I could stay at your place tonight?" Ada asked, leaving room for interpretation.

Illusion didn't seem to pick up on it, "Sure! You can crash on my couch"

"Gee thanks" Ada grumbled.

For someone who sleeps around, he doesn't seem to notice when someone wants to sleep with him, Ada thought gravely.

The pair made it to Illusion's apartment fairly quickly since he lived in the city already and was fairly close to Pokestar.

Illusion threw his keys in the table and attempted to untie the tie around his neck.

"Who designed these torture devices?" Illusion groaned.

Ada rolled her eyes and helped Illusion untie his tie.

"I didn't know you could clean up so well" Ada said, slowly detangling the tie around her friends neck.

"Eh it's my dad's tux" Illusion explained as Ada pulled the now loose tie over his head.

"Yeah uh huh, whatever" Ada mumbled, pulling Illusion into a kiss.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 11, 2017 ⏰

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