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"Are you okay, N?" Purrloin asked, climbing onto N's bed and into his lap.

N sniffled. "Yes my friend," he said, his voice sounding raspy, "I'll be-" He sneezed, "Fine"

"You won't be if you don't rest" Boldore commented.

"No he'll be fine. He'll be fine. Right? Right?!" Pidove panicked.

"Friends," N said, "I'll be fine"

N sneezed again, and Pidove flew about the room, screaming about how N was going to die.

N's head pounded from the constant screeching.

"Pidove, stop. N is not going to die" Zoroark said calmly.

Pidove fluttered down and sat on N's shoulder.

"He's not?"

"No, he's not. He's human, he gets sick just like we do" Zoroark assured.

All the Pokémon in N's room let out a collective sigh.

"But Boldore is right," Zoroark began, "N, you'll never get better if you do not rest"

"I know, but I'm afraid I'll have those dreams again" N sighed, falling backwards onto his bed. At N's movement, Pidove fluttered off his shoulder, and Purrloin jumped from his lap.

"You're still having those dreams?" Joltik asked.

"Yes" N mumbled, flipping over and shoving his face in his pillow.

N heard a knock on his door.

"Come in" he said, his voice muffled by the pillow. Somehow, the person who knocked still heard him and opened the door.

"N? Are you alright? I heard a ruckus" the voice asked.

N flipped over and sat upright, "Yes Anthea, I'm fine"

Anthea walked over to N's bedside and held the back of her hand to N's forehead.

"You still feel warm..." she noted, removing her hand "Have you been sleeping?"


"Natural Harmonia, you have to sleep if you're going to get better"

N shook his head, intensifying his headache, "I don't want to sleep"

"Why is that?"

"I'll dream"

"That is a bad thing?"

"Yes" N said, grabbing a pillow and hugging it to his chest.

Anthea looked to Zoroark with a confused look. Zoroark simply rolled his eyes.

"Are you having nightmares, Natural?" Anthea asked, worry seeping into her words.


"What kind of dream is it, then?"

"They're good dreams"

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