N's castle

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I wandered the hallways of N's castle, completely confused as to where I was supposed to be going. Members of that 'Shadow Triad' thing had told me N wanted to meet in the center of the castle, but there were so many rooms and doors, I was easily turned around in the place. Whenever I walked into a room, it was just full of grunts. After speaking with a few of the grunts, I learned that some of them actually grew close to their Pokémon, and cared about them. I encouraged those people to seek whatever they wanted. If their view was different than N's, so be it.

Why is this castle so huge? Why can I so easily get lost? I had already gotten my Pokémon healed by N's sisters who had told me why N wanted the future he did. He was surrounded by Pokémon who mistrusted humans. Ghetsis did that on purpose. Ghetsis had done that on purpose so that N would want to rise up against the world. I was starting to think that maybe Ghetsis didn't actually care for what N had to say...

"Trainers battle to practice their skills and to grow in experience, but never to hurt their Pokémon. My lord N has realized this, deep down in his heart...but he has spent too much painful time here in this castle to admit it..."

"N has been separated from people since he was young. He was brought up with Pokémon... Pokémon that were betrayed, mistreated and hurt by bad people... Ghetsis deliberately brought only those poor Pokémon closer to N. N was touched by their plight, and started pursuing truth, thinking only of Pokémon. N's heart is pure and innocent. But there is nothing more beautiful and terrifying than innocence."

I climbed a flight of stairs which led to another long hallway. This last one was different, though. Instead of many rooms, Team Plasma flags adorned the walls, and a huge door opened into a large room in the center of the hallway.

"That must be where I'm supposed to go" I said to myself, walking towards the opening. There were statues guarding to opening of the room, and I could see Ghetsis and N talking before N noticed me. He'd turned his head in my direction in what seemed like the middle of a sentence, which had grabbed Ghetsis' attention. Ghetsis now walked towards me- towards the exit, and I backed away, giving him room to walk out, and also keeping my distance. I didn't trust him. Not an inch of me trusted him.

"Welcome, holder of the Dark Stone" Ghetsis said.

I glared at Ghetsis, but he seemed unfazed.

"The castle that appeared as if it were enveloping the Pokémon League is a symbol. It means Unova will change. The king of this castle is the strongest Trainer in the world. He is accompanied by the legendary Pokémon. He has defeated the Champion. Added to all that, his heart burns with the desire to improve the world. If that's not what makes a hero, what more do you need?"

Ghetsis seemed to be looking for a comment from me, but I said nothing. I had nothing to say to people like him.

"Now that the stage is set, we can seize people's minds and hearts. We can bring into being the world that I--no, that Team Plasma--desires more easily than you can imagine! We and only we will use Pokémon, and we shall rule the powerless populace! I've been waiting so long for this! I've kept my silence so no one could piece together what I planned. Now, those painful days are at an end! Go! Onward! Discover whether you have what it takes to be a hero! Go! Holder of the Dark Stone! In this room, you can learn whether you, too, can be a hero!"

Ghetsis stepped out of my way to let me into the room. As I stepped into the room, I noticed that it looked more like a throne room than anything. N sat on a golden throne on the far end of the room, (he must've moved when Ghetsis was ranting) his face displaying no emotions. That was not something I was used to. More often than not, every time I saw N, he had a smile on his face. Especially when it had been just the two of us.

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