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Illusion wandered the hallways of his house, searching for his parents bedroom. The halls were dark, and he could hardly see a thing. He held his stuffed Pikachu close to him, and turned the corner that led to his parents bedroom. He was about to open the door when-

"What are you doing?"

Illusion jumped and nearly screamed, but when he turned around and saw who it was, he calmed down.

"Zoroark, don't scare me like that" Illusion whispered.

Zoroark walked over to Illusion and nuzzled his face. "Sorry. What are you doing up?"

"I had a bad dream" Illusion stated.

Zoroark reached over the child and opened the bedroom door. Illusion smiled at Zoroark before walking into the room.

The room was dark, but Illusion could make out the silhouette of his parents bed. He walked over to the end of the bed and climbed onto it, struggling to get his short legs onto the bed. He crawled over to his father and began poking him.

"Daddy? Daddy wake up" Illusion whispered.

His father stirred, "Illusion? What time is it?"

"Night time"

His father sat up abruptly, surprising Illusion to fall backwards, landing on his mother.

"What's happening?" his mother asked groggily.

Illusion's father yawned and turned on the bedside lamp, "That's what I'm trying to figure out"

Illusion scrambled over to the space in between his parents as his mother sat up. She rubbed her face, "N, why'd you have to turn the light on?" She groaned.

His father laughed tiredly, "Sorry Hilda"

"Daddy?" Illusion called.

"Yes? What is it, Illusion?"

"Why are you up so late?" his mother asked.

"I had a bad dream" Illusion muttered.

His parents expressions softened, "What happened?" his mother asked.

"You and Daddy were fighting," Illusion explained, "you were in this big castle, and there were these two dragons that were fighting. And you and Daddy were commanding them, telling them to fight. You both looked angry- you hated each other" Tears began flowing down Illusion's face, and he hugged his stuffed Pikachu tightly.

His parents looked at each other in horror, " What did these dragons look like?" His father asked.

"Mommy's dragon was black with a blue tail. Daddy, yours was white with an orange tail"

His parents were silent. They didn't know what to say. What could they say? They looked at each other with worry in their eyes.

"Sweetie," his mother soothed, "your dad and I will never fight like that"

Illusion sniffled, "I-It was so scary! The dragons talked like they hated each other. They said things like 'Truths' and 'Ideals' and it was scary! What do those words even mean?"

Illusion's parents could do nothing but hug him, and tell him everything would be okay.

"Illusion," his father began, "you and your mother are the most important things in my life. I would never hurt either of you like that"

"I know, Daddy" Illusion sniffled.

"Sweetie," his mother began, "it was just a dream. Now, I want you to go back to bed"

"Can I sleep here tonight?"

Hilda hesitated, so her child and her husband both gave her Lillipup eyes.

"Okay, but make sure when you sleep, you kick your father and not me" she joked, laying back down. N rolled his eyes and turned the light off, laying down.

Illusion mirrored his parents actions, pulling their blanket over him.

"Night Mommy. Night Daddy" Illusion said sleepily.

"Good night" his parents said in unison.

So Illusion fell asleep, knowing his parents would always be there for him.

(A/N. Oh look it's short.

Also if you didn't know, Illusion is the name I came up with for Hilda and N's child.

Here's a picture of smol Illusion-

Not the best art cause I'm not the best artist, but you get the idea)

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Not the best art cause I'm not the best artist, but you get the idea)

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