Rosa and Hugh vs. Cheren and Hilda

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Rosa and Hugh stood on one side of the field and Cheren and Hilda stood on the other in Cheren's gym. Rosa and Hugh had challenged Hilda and Cheren to a battle, and the trainer's were not going to refuse. N and Bianca sat down on a nearby bench.

Hilda stretched, "Man last time I had a battle with Cheren, we were fighting Team Plasma!"

"That's because you went missing for two years..." Cheren mumbled.

"Get ready Hugh!" Rosa exclaimed.

"I've been ready" Hugh stated blankly.

"Bianca! Wanna ref?" Hilda asked.

Bianca smiled and said, "Sure!" She walked over to the sidelines towards the middle of the field.

"This is gonna be a double battle with each trainer using one Pokémon. Since Cheren and Hilda were challenged, they'll have first move!"

"Liepard!" Cheren called.

"Cinccino!" Hilda called.

"C'mon out!" The pair said in unison as they sent out their Pokémon.

Liepard cried elegantly and Cinccino cried in excitement.

"Emboar lets go!" Hugh called, sending out an Emboar who looked bored.

Rosa twirled and threw her Pokeball, "Emolga, it's your turn!"

Emilia came out of it Pokeball and did a twirl in the air before landing on the ground.

"Alright," Bianca said, "battle begin!"

"Cinccino, dig!" Hilda commanded. Cinccino quickly burrowed under the ground with amazing speed.

"Liepard use assist!"

Liepard became incased in flames before running at Emolga. Emolga dodged the attack easily.

"Emboar, flamethrower down in the hole!" Hugh commanded.

"Sand attack!"

Liepard ran up to Emboar quickly before bringing sand up from the ground into its eyes. Right at that moment, Cinccino came up from the ground, hitting Emboar.

"Emolga double team!"

"Fake out!"

Just as Emolga was going to execute the double team, Liepard snaked its front paws together right in Emolga's face. The intensity of the fake out sent Emolga flying backwards.

"Cinccino, tail slap!"

Cinccino attacked Emolga with the ribbons that surrounded its body, hitting Emolga three times.

Emolga and Emboar struggled to get up, while Cinccino and Liepard were unharmed.

"Emboar use brick break! Hit one of them!"

Emboar' right arm glowed a bright white before attempting to charge at the opposing Pokémon. Thanks to the sand attack, Liepard and Cinccino were able to gracefully dodge the attacks. As Emboar swung downwards, Liepard jumped and used Emboar as a stool to jump and gain altitude.

"Shadow ball!"

Liepard quickly charged up a shadow ball and threw it at Emolga.

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