Tubeline Bridge/Opelucid City

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"Alright Serperior, let's just get across this bridge and into Opelucid city to get our final badge" Hilda said. Her Serperior slithered next to her and grunted in agreement.

Suddenly, three figures surrounded her and pushed her over to a person standing on the end on the bridge.

"Serperior!" Hilda cried, reaching for her Pokémon. Serperior slithered after his trainer. Hilda was pushed in front of the very last person she wanted to see. The three figures moved from her to him, surrounding him. Serperior caught up and coiled around his trainer, protectively.

"Ghetsis" Hilda hissed. The very name repulsed her.

"I'm not very happy to see you either, Hilda" Ghetsis said boringly, "but it had to be done"

"What had to be done?"

Ghetsis smiled a wicked smile, "It has come to my attention that you and N have been, how should I say, sneaking off together?"

Hilda stiffened. How had he known? Serperior growled at Ghetsis, assuming that he was lying.

"I've also noticed that our king has lost his necklace" Ghetsis said, "Any idea where that could be?"

Hilda clamped her hand around N's necklace. Serperior saw her movement out of the corner of his eye, and arched his head downwards towards her closed hand, sniffing it.

"Ser?" Serperior cried, looking at his trainer as if seeing her for the first time.

Ghetsis smiled evilly. "Hm? Keeping things from your Pokémon? I though they were your friends?"

"They are" Hilda protested, "What's your damage, Ghetsis?"

Ghetsis laughed, "I'm going to make you a once in a lifetime deal"

"I already don't like it"

"You release your Pokémon"


"You join Team Plasma"

"Ha! As if!" Hilda snorted, crossing her arms. Serperior hissed at Ghetsis.

"Oh you haven't let me finish" Ghetsis said smoothly, "You release your Pokémon, join Team Plasma, and then you can rule as queen by N's side"

Hilda's expression of protest faded and she stared, stunned, at Ghetsis.

"It seems I've offered something of interest to you?"

Hilda blushed and shook her head, "No! You just caught me off guard is all!" she protested.

"Have it your way, seems we have to postpone the king's take over anyway. He's gotten sick"

"He's sick?" Hilda demanded. Serperior analyzed Hilda's posture and tone, before bringing his attention back to Ghetsis.

"Yes yes" Ghetsis said half heartedly, "Seems your rainy day escapade has caught up with him"

"I told him he'd get sick" Hilda mumbled under her breath.

"Well I must be on my way" Ghetsis informed, "Think about what I said, I know it is something that you want" he finished, turning and exiting the bridge.

Serperior craned his neck down to look at his trainer's face. His eyes searched hers, pleading with her to explain.

"I'm sorry Serperior," Hilda apologized, "I thought you would think less of me if I told you..."

Serperior nuzzled his trainer's face.

"Thank you Serperior" Hilda said happily.

Serperior nudged his head towards the necklace, sniffing it.

Hilda smiled faintly at the item, "I can't believe he got sick...I warned him"

Serperior uncoiled from around his trainer, moving towards the exit of the bridge, ushering that they move forwards. Hilda smiled, determined, and followed Serperior off the bridge.

As Hilda entered the city, she was greeted by Iris.

"Hey you're Hilda, right? I remember you from Castelia!" Iris chirped.

"Yeah! What's up, Iris?" Hilda responded, matching Iris' enthusiasm.

The light faded from Iris' eyes, "Come with me"

Iris brought Hilda to the center of the city where there was a crowd of people gathered around. There seemed to be some sort of announcement going on...

Iris and Hilda stood in the back, watching the scene. It seemed Ghetsis was making some sort of announcement about Pokémon liberation.

"We will liberate Pokémon from people! If you know what's good for you, you will release your Pokémon right away before our king will have to use force" Ghetsis announced.

"Force?" Hilda whispered.

"Sickening, isn't it?" Iris whispered back. "That king sounds like a real brute"

"Oh he's not so bad..." Hilda argued, twirling her hair.

"And once our future queen realizes that she's wrong in having Pokémon," Ghetsis continued, "she will force you to release your Pokémon as well"

Hilda snorted.

Iris laughed, "Who would ever want to join your sad little group?" she said proudly, speaking loud so that Team Plasma heard her.

The crowd's eyes drifted to Iris. The grunts surrounding Ghetsis glared at her, while Ghetsis simply smiled.

"Why don't you ask her? She's standing right next to you"

Iris turned to Hilda, dumbfounded.

"I will never join Team Plasma" Hilda hissed.

"You say that now"

"I will always say that. You're a corrupt, pathetic little group, and you won't get away with this"

"Corrupt?" Ghetsis asked, feigning innocence.

"N would never liberate Pokémon by force" Hilda protested. "Just try to get away with your horrid little plan, but remember that I will always be there to stop you"

Iris smiled at Hilda before turning to Ghetsis and glaring at him, "Hilda is right. You won't win"

Ghetsis smirked, "We've already won"

The grunts packed up, surrounded Ghetsis, and Team Plasma exited the city.

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