N, Cheren, Hilda

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~Twist Mountain~

"What do you mean you don't want us to take her Pokémon?" Ghetsis asked, sternly.

"I just don't want you to take them," N said, "of course, she will give them up once the time comes but-"

"-But what?"

N flinched at Ghetsis' tone, "But it saddens me to think of such good friends being torn apart like that"

"Friends? Friends? Her Pokémon aren't her 'friends'! They're her slaves, child!"

"But you don't know! You've never seen them interact! Her Pokémon speak so highly of her-"

"They've been brainwashed, N. They no longer realize listening to her is wrong. She uses them as tools to get badges!"

"But it's different with her!"

"What's so different?" Ghetsis hissed. "Why is she so different? Tell me boy"

Grunts gathered around Ghetsis and N, listening for N's response.

"She treats them like family; she looks out for them, cares for them, and always has their best interests in mind" N said.

"Is that why she forces them to battle and hurt themselves and others?"


"-You surely say 'but' a lot"

"I don't think she would hurt them! She's so kind and caring, I've...I've never met anyone like her..."

The grunts groaned. Ghetsis shot them a glare and they all cowered and fell silent.

"N," Ghetsis said, less sternly, "she doesn't care about her Pokémon, she doesn't care about their health or well being,"

"But Hilda is-"

"And she certainly does not care about you!" Ghetsis yelled.

Hurt, N turned away from Ghetsis. He pulled his hat down to hide his face.

"She's corrupted you," Ghetsis said, acid dripping from every word "you're lucky you have me to remind you of what is right"

Ghetsis began walking away, ushering the grunts to follow him. Footsteps echoed as Ghetsis and the grunts walked away.

The footsteps faded. N sat down on a nearby rock, putting his face in his hands.

And she certainly does not care about you

Did she really not care about him? No. She had to care, even just a little...right? She obviously trusted him to some extent; she met him after hours when he could've ambushed her and taken her Pokémon. They had been so close then. So close to-

"Hey!" A voice yelled, snapping N from his thoughts. N looked up to see that the wiener of the voice was Hilda's friend Cheren.

"I've got a bone to pick with you" her friend said harshly.

"Don't you all?" N groaned standing up.

"What's that supposed to mean?" Cheren asked accusingly, crossing his arms.

"It just seems you and most of your friends don't like me"

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