Hilda, Bianca, Cheren

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"Come on Bianca! We gotta meet Cheren!" Hilda called for her friend.

The gym leaders and the champion were getting together to talk about what to do about Ghetsis going missing, and Cheren didn't want to go alone, so he asked Bianca and Hilda to come with him. Iris said it would be fine since Hilda and Bianca had first hand experience with Team Plasma.

"In a minute!" Bianca screamed.

"Oh dear, what is she doing up there?" Bianca's mother wondered.

"It's better not to ask questions when it comes to Bianca" her father added.

"Well we're gonna be late if she doesn't hurry!" Hilda complained. It's not like it was fancy dress apparel or anything, they were just supposed to go in their normal clothes- it was a meeting.

Bianca finally came running down the stairs, looking exactly the same as she did every day.

"I'm sorry! Let's go!"

The eight gym leaders, champion, Hilda, and Bianca stood in the Nacrene city museum. Lenora and her husband were letting them use it after hours, as long as they were careful around the artifacts.

"So who's Ghetsis?" Roxie asked.

Burgh groaned, "Does it matter? I thought we were done with him!"

"If Ghetsis is still out there, there's still risk for him to rise up again" Elena said.

"Team Plasma was a lot more viscous this time around," Cheren said "we shouldn't be taking any chances"

"They didn't have N to hold them back," Bianca said, "without him, they were willing to use force to intimidate and conquer"

"N...he was the leader of Team Plasma two years ago?" Skyla asked. "Wouldn't he have more information on Ghetsis?"

"N is out looking for Ghetsis. He thinks he can convince him to be good, but there's no guarantees that he'll even be able to find Ghetsis, let alone reform him" Hilda added.

"There's no way anyone can reform a fella like that!" Clay exclaimed.

"Ghetsis raised N," Hilda explained, "he's N's father- it's understandable that N would want to at least try to help him"

"So we're just going to trust this "ex" member of Team Plasma to find the leader?" Marlon asked suspiciously.

"I don't know who you think you're talking about" Hilda hissed.

"Marlon, if Hilda says N isn't bad, then we're going to have to trust her" Iris defended.

"But is she even a reliable source? Aren't they dating?"

"I think that N has changed," Cheren said, "guy's pretty trustworthy now"

Marlon mumbled something under his breath and crossed his arms, resigning.

"So what now?" Skyla asked. All heads turned towards Iris.

Iris took a shaky breath, "Send out a search party?"

"What good will that do? We can't send just anyone after Ghetsis. It's not like we can just leave our gyms, either" Elesa pointed out.

"Well I was thinking more along the lines of," Iris said, turning her head towards Bianca and Hilda "people who have dealt with Team Plasma before"

"Me?! You want me to go after Team Plasma?!" Bianca yelled "I-I'm not strong enough to do something like that!"

"Bianca we're just asking you to look" Iris soothed.

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