Chapter 5

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Say hello to dear Rohan readers, this is him in all his grumpy glory. 😂 (Surya- As Rohan)

Nalini's P.O.V

My parents look up at with emotionless faces. The whole room is silent and I can hear how fast my heart is beating and each other's breaths.

My eyes dart anywhere but my parents. Oh god, just say anything, say something please!

They both whisper a few things to each other.


My eyes meet my mother's beautiful eyes. She maybe strict sometimes but she is the one that has gone through a lot because of my I love and admire her a lot. She's been married to my father for over 20 years and tolerated all his stupidity.


She walks to me and hugs me and I hug her back as a single tear runs down my face in happiness. At least she appreciates it..

"Well done Nalini, you did well. At least you got into the top 30? You did good."

My heart drops slightly so does my smile but look at her sighing. I guess she got a gold medal when she graduated college. And I didn't..because I was nowhere near 3rd rank out of the whole batch like her. I guess that's what she's subtly saying.

I glance at my father who had a tight grip on the paper almost crushing it. He still remains silent rereading the paper over and over. So my smile completely goes. His eyes meet mine and I immediately flinch as his glare stabs through me.

Living in the U.K. for most of my life and occasionally coming here for the summer did take a toll on my parents and me. So we decided to come here after I completed sixth form and permanently stay here.

No matter how much I learned when living in Britain, on how to be strong and stand up for myself. As soon as after a month of living back here in my all depleted..

It still helps that my friends here are all so supportive and do tell me to stand up for myself and don't let my parents or Indian culture push me down..b-but I just can't. There are so many consequences if I rebel against my parents.

Usually my parents blame me growing up in the UK since that apparently made my ranks drop lower due to the easier syllabus over there than here. So they think I would of been better off here so I would be like them.

My dad originally went there only for the value of the pound and money not for my benefit or my mum's. He was there before he got married to my mother. I mean both my mum and Dad's families are quite rich so I didn't really understand why my dad wanted more?

Anyway, I see my mum walk back to my dad cautiously. Wow..he still hasn't said anything.

"Leave now. I need to speak to Nalini alone."

No. No. No.

"Wait, I'll be here. Why should I go outside? You will just-"


Me and my mother both flinch at his voice. It's filled with dominance and authority. Just like any other Indian father. My breathing gets heavier, oh god I should of known.

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