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(A/N- This story is not perfect! There's some mistakes, wether it's grammar issues or things in the plot that don't completely make sense but just don't think too much into it. Keep in mind I wrote this when I was either 12 or 13, and I am almost 15 now, so I've gotten better with writing, and this story is the skill level of a 12/13 year old 😂 but thank you for reading. Lots of love ❤️
Edit: Hi again. i'm 16 now, and looking back at this i'm seriously cringing but like THANKS FOR READING 🥺
PS if u like harry potter check out my current draco story
"(Y/N)! The battle has begun! GET TO YOUR STATION" Our red-coated commander ordered.

I bounded over to where I was stationed and sighed.

"I don't want to be here, this isn't right..." I thought.

Although I was on the British's side, I never agreed with them. I wanted to be with the continentals, I knew it was right, but how would she I get there? I couldn't just walk up to them be like "Oh Heyyy!" And just start shouting at the British or whatever. I might not be able to fight with the continentals, but anything would be better than staying here, right?

A gunshot echoed through the air like a rumble of thunder. Gunshot after gunshot, it seemed like it would never be over, the endless lakes of blood soaking into the ground from the fallen soldiers from both sides. A soldier ran up the blood-stained hill, near my station. A blue coat. I was ordered to shoot at any blue coat coming near my station, but..I just couldn't bring myself to shoot at a soldier from the side I knew was right. The soldier, clearly not thinking the same thing, aimed his gun at me. Quickly thinking, I ducked and dove down the hill...I was running out of time, the soldiers were going to shoot at me any second. I hid behind a tree near the edge of larger group of trees at the higher part of the hill.

"I've gotta get out of here, somehow!" I thought.

I discretely snuck around the battlefield, not stopping until I got to the area where the continentals were coming from. I dove across the imaginary border, then hid behind another tree, gulping for air, my heart pounding. If anybody saw me, I'd be a goner. I heard soldiers coming. There was another tree up ahead I could probably hide behind... It was going to be risky getting over there, I'd have to run as fast as I could. I paused, and took a deep breath.

"one, two, three, four, five six, seven, eight, nine...GO!" I thought.

  I bolted away from the tree, zooming towards the one up ahead. Running, running, running like the wind, nonstop, until....well I was stopped. An arm grabbed me with a firm grip, sending an electric bolt of panic through my body. I turned and saw a tall man with brown hair, and brown eyes, wearing a blue coat.

"What are you doing here?!" He snapped.

"" I nervously began.

"A British spy!" I heard another blue coated man call as he ran up to the first one.

The second blue coat aimed his gun at me, I braced myself...

"Laurens, wait. She could be useful." The first blue coat said calmly.

"useful?! Alex, are you out of your mind? She's juts another British soldier, we cant let her just strut around our territory!" Laurens exclaimed.

"I know, I know. But think, she has information." Alex explained.

"information.." Laurens echoed.

"Alright, Alexander, you win. Lets take her with us." He added as he lowered his gun.

  I let out a sigh of relief, my heart still beating rapidly.

"Whats your name, girl?"

"(Y/N). My name is (Y/N)."

A Soldier's Chorus~Laurens X Reader[COMPLETED✔️]Where stories live. Discover now