Telling Him.

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(A/N: I'm listening to the Hamilton Mixtape rn :P I don't know why I'm including this...well here ish da next part!! Hope ya enjoy!)

The sun was bright, the sky was blue, the air was warm. It was a beautiful day. It was about 10am.

(Y/N) yawned as she opened her eyes. She looked around, the sun was flooded into the big room. She stretched as she got up out of bed and changed. She put on a simple cream colored dress and put her hair in a ponytail. She did a little bit of makeup, but not too much. She looked in the mirror.

"Laurens, I thought about it, and I like you too. No, wait. laurens, I am sorry for not saying anything to you last night, I wasn't sure how to react, and I had to think about it for a little bit. No, that's over explaining it! Ugh, I don't know what to say."(Y/N) complained to herself.

"Struggling?" Angelica asked, walking into the room.

"Yeah. I don't know what to say to Laurens."(Y/N) explained.

"Well guess what! Theres a ball coming up later this week!" Angelica exclaimed.

"there is? Awesome!"(Y/N) cheered.

"I know! We haven't had one since winter. You should totally go with Laurens! Ah! You two are going to be so cute together!" Angelica exclaimed.

"Whoa, whoa whoa. I haven't even told him I like him yet, slow down."(Y/N) said.

"i know, sorry. Im just happy for you!" Angelica said.

  (Y/N) smiled, as she grabbed a pair of shoes. The two girls walked downstairs and left the mansion. Peggy was with Eliza, shopping for some new threads for dresses. Angelica and(Y/N) walked down the streets.

"This ball is very important. Everyone is looking for someone rich to marry, like always." Angelica explained.

"Oh, are you looking for someone?"(Y/N) asked.

"At some point I have to marry someone wealthy, for my futures sake. It's not something I've been really thinking about, although I should be."

(A/N: Guess who actually did some research on life in the 1800s? DIS GURL. So I was really off on the whole story, It hasn't been historically appropriate for the year the story takes place in, so i'm gonna try to fit it in better. Turns out people got married when they were 17 in the 18th century. I'm not ready to have the reader get married though XD. So if anyone knows the answer to this that'd be great, but in the 18th century what were relationships called before marriage? I don't think they said boyfriend/girlfriend. Like in the Hamilton musical, alexander and Eliza got married 3 weeks after they met. Since I don't even know who the reader is gonna end up with, i can't go off planning weddings for the story yet. So until I figure that out, I apologize for this story being totally not historically accurate!! Anyway, back to zee story!)

 "yeah, same here."(Y/N) agreed.

Her and Angelica continued walking down the street until they got to a small cafe.(Y/N) froze as she saw Laurens through the window. He was sitting at a table with Mulligan.

"Ohhh no, Angelica, there he is!"(Y/N) squeaked.

"Yay! Now's your chance! Go tell him how you feel!" Angelica encouraged.

"But there's other people around! I don't wanna say it infront of everyone!"(Y/N) protested.

"You'll be fi- Wait! He's getting up! He's leaving! Quick hide!' Angelica whispered as she grabbed(Y/N)'s arm and pulled her to the side of the building.

"Ok, when he leaves, go up to him and go for it!" Angelica instructed.

"but.."(Y/N) argued.

"No buts! You're doing it." Angelica insisted.

A Soldier's Chorus~Laurens X Reader[COMPLETED✔️]Where stories live. Discover now