Peggy and Mulligan

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(A/N: Here's the new part! Hope you enjoy! I think I finally have a plan for the story's outcome, or at least major events and all that. I feel like peggy always gets forgotten, so I decided to make a chapter about her. Hope you like it!)

Angelica, Peggy, and (Y/N) were all in the kitchen of their large mansion. They were talking and cleaning up a bit. Eliza and Alexander were coming over for dinner soon.

"I'm so excited for the ball!"(Y/N) cheered.

"same!" Angelica agreed.

Peggy didn't say anything. She seemed to be lost in her thoughts as she scrubbed a glass plate in the sink.

"Peggy? Are you okay?"(Y/N) asked.

"I think I'm going to ask someone to the ball, but I don't know how." She confessed.

"Really? Is it Mulligan?"(Y/N) asked.

"Y-Yes. Just don't tell him." Peggy told her.

"I won't, will you help me ask him? I'm really nervous to ask." Peggy said.

"Of course we will!" Angelica said happily.

"Thanks you guys. When should I ask?"

"Well, the ball is on Friday, and it's Wednesday. Its too late today, but you should ask tomorrow."(Y/N) suggested.

"Okay, I will." Peggy said.

"So(Y/N), I heard you and John are a thing now!" Peggy added.

"Heh, I, I guess so!"(Y/N) said blushing.

The girls continued to get ready for Alex and Eliza. They cooked the food, and cleaned up the mansion a bit. After a while, it was around 7 when there was a knock at the door. Angelica went to go answer it, and to her surprise, it was just Eliza.

"Wheres Alexander?" She asked.

"He's at home. He's writing more essays. He's been in and out of the house like crazy, at constitutional conventions, meetings, and talking to General Washington about the british. I rarely see him." Eliza explained with a sigh.

"I'm sorry. It'll blow over, when he's done with the essays i'm sure he'll be home more often." Angelica said.

Eliza followed Angelica inside and down the hall to the kitchen. She explained to Peggy and(Y/N) why Alexander wasn't with them, and then they all sat down together for dinner.

"Hey, Eliza, look on the bright side, we get a ladies night now!" Peggy cheered.

"Ha, I guess you're right!" Eliza said with a laugh.

"Will Alexander be attending the ball?"(Y/N) asked.

"Yeah, he said he would, so hopefully he'll keep his word."

"That's good."

"Yeah, it is. So you're going with Laurens?" Eliza asked.

"Yep!"(Y/N) said happily.

"Congratulations. He's a good man."

"Yeah, he is."(Y/N) agreed.

Everyone started eating, and after that they said goodbye to Eliza and she went back home. The girls cleaned up and then headed upstairs to go to bed.

~The next day~

  (Y/N) woke up with the bright sun shining in her face. It was thursday, the ball was tomorrow. The ball she was going to with John Laurens. Today was also the day Peggy planned to ask Mulligan to the ball.(Y/N) got up and brushed through her tangled hair, and put on a casual dress. She did light makeup, all the normal stuff. She then left her room and walked down the hall to Peggy's. She lightly knocked on the door and Peggy came skipping over to it and opened the door for(Y/N). She was dressed up in a yellow dress with half her hair tied back.

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