The Schuyler Sisters

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(A/N: Just a little heads up, I did change the title, no i'm not going to keep it as that. I originally planned to do the Lafayette X Reader, but now idk. I have an idea, I wont spoil it though. Just another heads up the description doesnt match the story that much, sorry about that. Now lets get on to part 3!)

Alexander led (Y/N) down the street to a large brick mansion. They opened the door, entering a large, high-ceiling room with a big chandelier hanging from the center of the high slanted ceiling. (Y/N) was amazed, she had never seen a house this huge! They walked up a large staircase and came to a hallway with three doors. They knocked on the first door

"(Y/N), meet my wife, Eliza!" Alexander cheered.

"And my newborn son, Phillip." He added.

  (Y/N) smiled and said hi to Eliza.

Eliza had straight, long, brown hair, half of it was tied up. She was wearing a beautiful blue dress and a blue ribbon in her hair. Phillip had light brown hair and brown eyes. He was only weeks old.

"It's nice to meet you!" She said kindly.

"Nice to meet you too!"(Y/N) said back.

"I've arranged for (Y/N) to stay with Angelica and Peggy, at least for now." Alexander informed her.

"Ah, yes. Oh, you'll like them so much! They are the kindest, loyal sisters anyone could ask for." Eliza said.

"I'm sure they are!"(Y/N) agreed.

Eliza and Alexander led (Y/N) to the other bedroom and knocked on the door. A girl with chocolate skin and brown hair opened it.

"Eliza! Hi! Alexander, its good to see you." The girl said.

"Right back at you! Angelica, meet (Y/N). She's a Britain runaway. She's the girl I told you about earlier."

"Oh!" She said as she turned towards her.

"Hi there!" She said.

"Hi!" (Y/N) said.

Another girl with brown hair and light skin came up to the doorway where Alexander, Angelica, Eliza and (Y/N) were talking. Alexander introduced her as Peggy, the third Schuyler sister who was also the youngest.

"Hi(Y/N)." She said quietly.

"Hi!"(Y/N) said.

"Come on(Y/N), I'll take you to your room!" Angelica said excitedly.

  (Y/N) followed Angelica to the third room. They opened the door and(Y/N) was immediately astonished. The room was huge! There were three big windows along the walls, two of which that had a window seat with clean cushions on them with small throw  pillows. A big canopy bed was in the middle of the room with light pink silk sheets and fluffy pillows, and a large floral comforter. A small nightstand was beside the bed. On the walls there were many different paintings of different places, people, and other things. A large rug was in the middle of the hardwood floor.(Y/N) walked around the room in amazement.

"Wow!"(Y/N) exclaimed.

"Do you like it? You can change the decorations if you'd like." Angelica said kindly.

"No, its perfect! I don't know how to thank you!"(Y/N) said.

Angelica smiled.

"Its nice to have someone new around here! It must have been hard for you to show everyone you were not just a British soldier." Angelica said.

"It was pretty scary, on the battlefield in Yorktown I thought they were going to blow me to pieces when they caught me on their side!"(Y/N) explained.

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