Raise A Glass To Laurens's Cheesy Pick-Up Lines

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Angelica, Eliza, Peggy, and (Y/N) walked down the streets.(Y/N) kept tripping over her heels, she was not really used to them. After a while she started getting the hang of it though. Their heels were clicking down the street. They eventually got to the bar and walked in. Music was playing, and everyone was hanging around. Mulligan was sitting at the counter. Angelica elbowed Peggy, who glared at her when she caught on to what her sister was hinting at. Alexander was talking to Burr at a table. And Laurens, was...dancing on a table crazily. Alexander walked up to the girls as soon as he saw them.

"Wow, laurens is drunk already?" Angelica asked.

"Yep. Not that shocking honestly. Wow,(Y/N). You look a lot different. In a good way of course. The girls dress you up?"

"yeah."(Y/N) said.

"I think we did a pretty good job, too!" Eliza said happily.

Alexander nodded.

  (Y/N) looked around and noticed Laurens standing on the table. He stopped dancing, and was staring right at her.

~Laurens POV~

 We were having a hella' good time. Music was dancing, people were talking. I was dancing my ass off, when I saw (Y/N) walk in with the Schuyler sisters. Damn. She looked beautiful. I couldn't stop myself from staring. I quickly noticed she could tell I was staring. Maybe I was a little drunk and thats why, but for some reason all the sense I had when it came to acting properly around a girl I liked....disappeared.

~Omniscient POV~(Nobody's POV)

Laurens jumped off the table and jogged up to(Y/N).

"Hey! You look really good!" He said.

  (Y/N) smiled.

"uh, Thanks, Laurens." 

"Laurens, you're totally drunk..." Angelica said.

"He totally has a thing for (Y/N) though...Oh boy, he's drunk, he's going to say something stupid and ruin his chances!" Peggy whispered to Angelica.

"I know.." Angelica whispered.

"Hey (Y/N)." Laurens said, stepping closer to her.

"Hm?" She said.

"Are you a fruit?" He asked.

"Uh, what?"(Y/N) asked, confused.

"Because your a FINEapple!" Laurens said, smiling.

  (Y/N) burst out laughing.

"Wow, that was...that was interesting." She said, trying to calm her laugh.

Laurens smiled.

"Hey you owe me a drink!"


"Because when I looked at you, I dropped mine!"

Laurens and(Y/N) laughed. The others were laughing to. Eliza, Peggy, and Angelica sat down at a table nearby, watching John try to flirt with her.

Lafayette walked up to them.

"Wow Laurens. You must have practiced that." He said.

"Pshh. Nope." Laurens said.

"mmhm." Lafayette said unconvinced.

"(Y/N), how have you settled in?" Lafayette asked.

"Pretty good, thanks!"(Y/N) said.

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