The Ball

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(A/N: Wow, this is the eighth chapter! Hope you all like the story so far! Get ready for a hell of a lot of FLUFF (LizzieCelestial) in this! XD P.S the dress in the picture up there is what the reader is wearing to zee ball!)

  It was Friday evening, the night of the ball. Angelica, Peggy, and (Y/N) were all getting ready. They did their makeup and hair and everything. (Y/N) was wearing a lacy dress with a diamond necklace. She curled her hair into light, bouncy curls. Angelica was wearing a slim, blue ballgown and out her hair up into a bun. Peggy wore a short, yellow dress with sparkles on it and a white pearl necklace. They dazzled around the room and looked into the mirror at one another, complimenting each other. As 7pm approached faster and faster,(Y/N) became very nervous. John was coming to pick her up at 7, and Mulligan was also coming to pick up Peggy. They were all going to ride to the ball in a carriage. Angelica was going with Aaron Burr. She hadn't really wanted to, but she decided to give him a chance.(Y/N) was pacing around the dressing room frantically.

"Oh my god oh my god oh my god he's gonna be here soon!"(Y/N) whined.

"You'll be fine! I'm nervous too, but it's gonna be alright!" Peggy said comfortingly.

"Yeah, you two will be fine. Are Eliza and Alexander coming separately?" Angelica asked.

"yeah, they said they're riding in a different carriage." Peggy said.

"oh, okay." Angelica said.

The clock kept ticking, and before they knew it, there was a knock at the door. The girls ran downstairs and went outside to greet their dates to the ball.(Y/N) went up to Laurens. He was wearing a black suit and a white tie. He looked so handsome,(Y/N) started blushing and she greeted him.

"H-Hi John!" She said nervously.

He kissed her hand.

"Hello beautiful!" He said sweetly.

  (Y/N) blushed as she hugged him. Peggy nervously  greeted Mulligan, and Angelica greeted Burr. They got in the carriage. The sun was set and the twinkling stars were in the sky when they got to the ball. Everyone got out of the carriage.(Y/N) linked arms with Laurens as they went inside. Music was playing and there were many people dancing. Laurens took(Y/N) by the hand and walked her up to the middle of the dancefloor. Peggy and Mulligan went off to the side, and Angelica and Burr went off to the other side. Then, perfectly timed, a slow song came on. Laurens put his hands on(Y/N)'s waist, and she put her arms around his neck. They danced around together, happily.

"(Y/N)..I need to tell you something." Laurens said.

"Hm? what is it?"(Y/N) asked, slightly concerned.

"I want you to know how much I love you. You brighten every day of my life, I don't know what I'd do without you. You mean the world to me. I don't know how the most beautiful woman in the world ended up with a dumb goofball like myself. I'd do anything for you(Y/N). I promise that no matter what happens, I'll be here for you."

  (Y/N) blushed madly. "Laurens.." She whispered sheepishly, trying to find the right words to say."

Laurens smiled, and he leaned in and kissed her. After a few seconds, he pulled away and the two continued dancing.(Y/N) stepped closer, and then she was resting her head on his chest, his arms around her as they rocked back and forth.(Y/N) felt like everything was perfect, she never wanted to leave that very moment. She didn't want to leave him, and she didn't want him to leave her. A pang of sadness hit her as she remembered he was leaving for South Carolina soon, heading off to war. What if he was hurt? What would she do then? (Y/N) pushed the thought away, it would be fine. Everything was perfect, and it would stay that way,(Y/N) was sure of that.

Peggy and Mulligan danced together aswell, they were happy together. Eliza and Alexander also danced together. It was a special ball, everything was perfect. The ball went by so fast, and before they knew it, the night of dancing was over. It was about 9pm, and everyone was starting to leave. Eliza and Alex already begun heading back.(Y/N) and Laurens decided to walk back together, their street was only a few blocks away or so, and it would be good exercise. The stars were flooding the moonlit sky as Laurens and (Y/N) walked back, hand in hand.

"I had a lot of fun tonight."(Y/N) said.

"Same, I'm so happy I got to go with the most beautiful, amazing person I know." Laurens said.

  (Y/N) blushed, and pulled him into a kiss. The two of them walked back to the street. It was late.

"Do y-you want to stay with me tonight?" Laurens asked.

"Sure!"(Y/N) said, her cheeks turning pink. 

(A/N: Don't worry, the story will stay PG)

They walked down the street to Laurens's house and went inside.(Y/N) yawned, she was very tired. She sat down on the couch while Laurens went into the kitchen and made tea for the two of them before they went to sleep. When he got back, he saw(Y/N) was already fast asleep on the couch. Laurens chuckled as he kneeled down beside her. He put the tray on a small table in front of the couch. He gazed at(Y/N), who was peacefully sleeping on the couch. Laurens gently picked her up. He didn't want to make her feel uncomfortable, so he decided to bring her to the guest bedroom. He gently placed her on the bed. He kissed her forehead and went to his own room and fell asleep.

~Zee Next Day~

  (Y/N) blinked open her eyes. She was in a medium sized room on a large, comfy bed. It took her a minute to realize where she was, and then the memories of last night flowed through her head. She yawned and got out of bed. She was still wearing her dress. Oh well, she didn't have anything to change into. She left the room and strayed down the hallway and ended up in the kitchen. Laurens was there, in gray pants and a white t-shirt, his hair pulled back. He noticed (Y/N) and went up to her and gave her a hug.

"Morning sleepyhead." He teased.

"Morning."(Y/N) said with a playful eye roll.

Laurens kissed her head.

"You're still wearing your dress. I can take you home if you want so you can change." Laurens suggested.

(Y/N) nodded. Laurens ran off for a minute to change into his normal outfit, and then came back. Him and(Y/N) left the house and walked down the street to the Schuyler mansion.(Y/N) quickly ran in and changed, then came back out in a light gray lace casual dress with black flats. Her hair was swept in a side part, and neatly brushed.

"Beautiful as always." Laurens said when she came back.

"Aw, thanks."(Y/N) said blushing.

"How about we spend the day together?" Laurens asked.

"I'd love that!"(Y/N) said with a smile.

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