Everyone Give It Up For America's Favorite Fighting Frenchman!

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(A/N: September 6th 2018, like 2 years after writing this: oof there's too many corny hamilton references love that)

The carriage rolled into the harbor of Chesapeake Bay. Only two carriages came, the rest headed back to New York. Burr led (Y/N) out of the carriage and down to the dock, where a special fighting frenchman was waiting on his ship from France.

After (Y/N) and Burr left, Mulligan followed them out, and Hamilton was about to exit the carriage as well.

"Wait, Alex." Laurens said calmly.

Alexander turned around and sat down again.

"What is it Laurens?" He asked.

"It's(Y/N)." He answered.

"What about her?"

Laurens paused for a moment, glancing down at the floor.

"Um, you know, never mind!" Laurens said nervously.

Hamilton narrowed his eyes.

"What is it? I can tell your thinking about something." he said.

"It's nothing, forget it, okay? Lets go catch up with the others." Laurens said quickly as he hopped out of the carriage, with Alexander following him.

Once they got to the docks, they joined the others. A large ship was tied to it, and shortly after the rest of them got there, a tall, fit man with dark skin and fluffy, curled, dark hair in a blue buttoned coat hopped onto the edge of the ship. Everyone began waving. The man smiled.

"Bonjour mon ami! Je Mappelle Lafayette!" He exclaimed.

He leaped off the edge and landed smoothly on the dock. The small crowd of people, Washington, Hamilton, Burr,(Y/N), Mulligan, Laurens, and Madison all backed away, giving the man known as Lafayette space. Lafayette waved to everyone.

"Bonjour! I have returned from France for a bit, I hope you dont mind." He said with a smile.

Hamilton, Mulligan, and laurens ran up to him, and they all gave him a hug.

"Monsieur Hamilton!"

"Monsieur Lafayette!"

He greeted the rest of the people happily.

(Y/N) quietly made her way to the front of the group so she could see what was going on. She noticed Alexander talking to the General, and glancing back at her every now and then.

"He must be telling him about me.." She thought.

"Raise a glass to freedom!" Lafayette called. "We must go to the bar back in New York to celebrate our win against the redco-" He stopped, noticing(Y/N).

He walked up to her, and simply stared.

(Y/N) froze. She didn't know what to say, he was so much taller than her, she had to look up to see his face.

"Uh, H-hi.." She mumbled.

"Why is there a redcoat here?" Lafayette asked, glancing around.

Laurens quickly walked up to him and gave(Y/N) a smile.

"Ah, Lafayette. This is(Y/N). She's a Britain runaway, she means no harm. Shes pretty nice actually. We mistaked her for a British spy in the battle and took her prisoner, but she isn't a spy, shes against the redcoats, and was trying to run away when we took her." Laurens explained.

Lafayette nodded, and then General Washington walked up to Lafayette and(Y/N). She froze, worried that the General was not going to let her stay.

"Miss (Y/N), hello. I am George Washington. Laurens told me all about you, and how your a runaway. I'm willing to give you a chance, but if I see anything suspicious going on and you fail to tell the truth, I will not hesitate to send you away immediately. Is that understood?"

A Soldier's Chorus~Laurens X Reader[COMPLETED✔️]Where stories live. Discover now