Update, and appreciation~

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Hey guys!!! Its been forever since I wrote anything, and I'm very sorry! I'm working on a modern Lafayette X Reader, I just kinda lost the, what, idk, like the excitement to write it? But im going to at least publish the first chapter today or tomorrow, so look out for that!

Also, my Laurens X Reader story is indeed complete, and has like, over 400 views! THANK YOU SO MUCHHHHHH! I love you all! It's been doing really well, and again, thank you so much for being patient with me and all since im a pretty big noob when it comes to writing fanfics. I'm glad you've all been liking it, and if you don't like it, thanks for giving it a chance! Thank you for the comments too, its so much fun reading them! Don't hesitate to reach out to me with any sort of suggestion, request, tip, or something. Again, Thank you so much for all the views and votes and comments, I appreciate it all, and all of you, so much! Love you guys!

UPDATE: The story has over 25,000 views. Im SHOOK. THANK YOU ALL!! Dont forget to check out my other stories! <3


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