A fallen soldier

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~Laurens POV~

I woke up on the ground, alone. I could taste blood. Nobody that I could here was around. The redcoats were gone, the bluecoats were gone. What happened? I couldn't move if I tried, and I tried. I looked up at the sky. It was night. Stars flooded the sky. I thought of (Y/N), and when I first met her in the Yorktown battle. I remember when I kissed her for the first time. And the time we watched the stars together. I thought of my friends. Alexander, Mulligan, Lafayette. Where were they? Where was I? Was I still in the camp? I tried again to move, but I couldn't. Is this what dying feels like? I pictured home, with (Y/N), and the guys. The tavern. The memories. I wish I could write one last letter to my love. I know what I'd say. If I could say one last thing to her right now, I'd tell her how much I love her, and how much she meant to me. I'd tell her to take her time, and make the best out of her life, and that I'll see her on the other side. Was I about to die? If so, I know I made my life worth living. I fought against slavery, and fought for our freedom. Not just me, everyone did. The world around me seemed to fade away as I closed my eyes under the sky full of stars.


August 29th, 1781.


Laurens hadn't written back to any of my letters since August 25th. I had gotten a little concerned, but I was sure they had just gotten busy. Tomorrow was the day they were returning. I would see Laurens again tomorrow!

August 30th, 1781.

(Y/N) yawned as she sat up out of bed, She walked over to the closet, and put on one of her nice, but not too fancy dresses. She neatly brushed her hair, leaving it down. She could hear bells ringing outside, the soldiers were returning! She rushed downstairs and out the door, Angelica and Peggy following. She walked out to the side of the street with all the other people who were waiting for their loved ones to return. Horse hooves were clopping along the roads in the distance. Horses with soldiers on them started appearing, as the crowd cheered and hollered. The soldiers hopped off their horses and ran to their families and friends, hugging them. (Y/N) looked around for John. She scanned the rows of people, and couldn't seem to find him. Where was he?! (Y/N) saw a group of three men over on the other side of the road. She recognized them as Mulligan, Alexander, and Lafayette, but no Laurens. (Y/N) ran over to them, with a knot in her stomach.

"Guys!"(Y/N) called out.

They turned around with sad expressions on their faces.

"Guys? What's wrong? Is everything okay? Where's Laurens?!"(Y/N) said, panicked.

Lafayette stepped forward.

"(Y/N).....He...He's gone.." He whispered sadly.

(Y/N)'s heart sank to the bottom of her stomach.

"No, No he's not! Where is he?!" She protested.

"(Y/N), he's dead." He said quietly.

(Y/N) froze, and stood there in shock. A few moments later, she snapped back to reality, and facing the truth.

"N-NOO!" She screamed, which turned into a sob.

She collapsed into Lafayette's arms, balling.

"John, no! He...He can't be gone. He promised he'd be back, What happened?!"(Y/N) wailed, still sobbing.

"I'm so sorry(Y/N), there was nothing we could do. A british soldier shot him in the chest. It was too late to stop anything." Mulligan explained sadly.


"It's being retrieved today."

(Y/N) started sobbing again. Lafayette was still hugging her. Angelica, Eliza, and Peggy saw and ran over.

"(Y/N)!!" They cried.

She turned and faced them, tears streaming down her face and flooding her eyes.

"It's Laurens.....He....He's dead!" She explained in between sobs.

Lafayette let(Y/N) go as the girls immediately embraced her. She was sobbing uncontrollably. The very thing she feared would happen, happened. The Schuyler sisters decided it would be best to take her home, so they did. They brought their hurt friend back home and went upstairs to her room.(Y/N) lied down on the bed, continuing to sob.

"(Y/N), it's okay, don't cry!" Peggy whined.

"How can I not cry? He's dead you guys, my love is dead!"(Y/N) exclaimed while crying.

"I think we should give her some space, and some time alone." Eliza said.

The girls agreed and left the room, all teary eyed. Laurens was a good friend to all of them, and(Y/N) loved him so much.

Later that day the news spread. They couldn't find a body. They searched and searched, but nothing was found.(Y/N) remained locked in her room, crying herself to sleep. Many days passed, and everyone began to get worried about her. Lafayette came to the mansion and attempted to talk to (Y/N) many times, but she never answered.

Numerous patrols had gone out in search for anything related to the death of John Laurens, and after several weeks, they finally found something. It was a letter to (Y/N), dated on August 27th. He must have somehow managed to get his hands on something to write with and on before he died. It was brought back and given to Angelica, who then went to give it to (Y/N). When she didn't answer, she simply slipped it under the door and said she should read it. (Y/N) did eventually decide to go get it, her eyes puffy and red from all the tears. She opened the letter.

August 27th 1781.

Dear (Y/N),

I'm sorry I have let you down, I'm sorry for not returning. I know my death will hurt you, and believe me leaving you hurts more than this bullet does. But you have to be strong, for the city, for your friends. Please, don't grieve over me, but instead celebrate the times we had. I cherished every moment I spent with you, from seeing your face for the first time, to kissing you goodbye as I left for South Carolina. My love, smile for me. Stay strong. I'll always be with you, I may not be able to hug you from heaven, or kiss you from heaven, but I'm still here with you, okay? Don't forget that, please. I love you so much, so much you can't even imagine. I love you, and please, remember to smile, it looks good on you. I love you so much (Y/N).

Love, John Laurens.

(Y/N) clutched the letter closely to her, tears streaming down her face.

"I will. I'll put myself back in the narrative. I'll smile, for you, John." She said quietly.

For the first time in months, (Y/N) wiped away her tears, stood up, and took a deep breath. She opened the curtains and let the sun shine in. She put on a nice dress and brushed out her tangled hair. She opened the door and walked downstairs. Peggy and Angelica looked at her and smiled, and for the first time in what seemed like forever, (Y/N) smiled back.
(There is another chapter! Keep reading! :))

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