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(A/N: Hey guys! I didn't want to do an author's note at the end of the last chapter, because I didn't want to ruin the rOmAnTiC moment XD. But I hope you like'd that chapter. As for who's gonna end up with the reader, I really don't know. It's either going to be laurens or Lafayette. So far its laurens liking the reader, but i'm not sure who she's going to end up with, i'm kind of going along with whatever. Anyway, here's the next chapter, I hope you like it!)

(Y/N) stepped back, surprised.

"I-I've wanted to do that for a w-while..." Laurens stuttered.

"L-Laurens, I..."(Y/N) started.

"I-I'm sorry(Y/N),I let my emotions get the best of me...I-I shouldn't have done that..I-I'm sorry.." Laurens said nervously.

  (Y/N) didn't know what to say.

"I-I'll go, s-sorry. bye." Laurens said quickly. He turned and ran off, leaving the bar.

"John..."(Y/N)whispered, speechless.

  (Y/N)'s mind was racing with thoughts. Did she like him, too? She didn't know. (Y/N)left the bar, and headed down the street back to the mansion to talk to Angelica and the others. as she was walking, she wasn't paying attention and ran right into someone.

"Ah! I-I'm so sorry!"(Y/N) yelped, stepping back.

"Its fine! Are you okay? You seem a little out of it."

It was Lafayette.

"Lafayette! Hi, Oh, um, yeah, I-I'm okay!"(Y/N) stuttered.

"I was just out taking a walk, its late, are you heading home?" He asked.

"y-yes, I am. L-laurens just uh, left!"(Y/N)said nervously.

Lafayette raised an eyebrow.

"What happened?" He asked.

"N-Nothing happened!"(Y/N) squeaked.

"Come on, tu peux me faire confiance"


Lafayette smiled. "You can trust me."

"oh, haha, ok, well, was nothing really..I-I think."(Y/N)started nervously.

Lafayette walked over to a park bench and motioned(Y/N)to come sit too. She walked over and sat next to him.

"W-Well, you k-know Laurens..." She said.

"oui. He has a thing for you, you know." He said.

"haha, yeah, um about that, so he, kinda sorta uh, k-kissed me..and I don't know how I feel about him just yet, s-so I dont really know what to do.."(Y/N) explained.

"Oh, I see..Well, you should think about it for a while. Then, if you decide you don't like him that way, be honest with him, and if you do like him like that, tell him so." Lafayette advised.

"O-Okay, you're right."(Y/N) said.

  (Y/N) looked up at him.

"Thank you, Lafayette." She said.

Lafayette put his hand on her shoulder and smiled.

"Anytime" He said nicely.

(Y/N) smiled and headed back home. Once she got to the mansion, she went upstairs. Angelica was with Peggy in her room.(Y/N) knocked on the door.

"Hey guys." She said.

"Hey(Y/N)!! What took you so long to get home?" Peggy asked.

  (Y/N) walked in and sat down with them.

A Soldier's Chorus~Laurens X Reader[COMPLETED✔️]Where stories live. Discover now