A Day With Him

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(A/N: Okay can I just say the picture up dere is cute? XD Anyway, heres another chapter! Hope you like it!)

Laurens and (Y/N) walked down the street together, hand in hand.

"What should we do today?"(Y/N) asked.

"Well, I heard there's a festival downtown, we could go if you want." Laurens suggested.

"that sounds great!" (Y/N) said happily.

Together they walked down the New York Streets. Clouds started filling the sky.(Y/N) ignored them, it was supposed to be nice today. Her and Laurens got to the festival. Different booths lines the street, there were lines of people everywhere. Women in nice looking dresses and their powdered wigs.(Y/N) had never been a fan of wearing a wig. The men were wearing nice suits and their hair was combed back. Laurens was wearing a nice blue jacket, with a nice shirt and pants.

Laurens took(Y/N) by the hand and he led her up to one of the lines.(Y/N) glanced up past the line to see what they were waiting for. A large sign said "Amusement Park". She glanced over a sign and saw many more attractions, brightly decorated.

"Ooh! An amusement park?"(Y/N) exclaimed.

Laurens smiled. "I thought maybe you'd enjoy it."

"Of course! I enjoy being with you, no matter what we do."(Y/N) said sweetly.

Laurens smiled and kissed(Y/N)'s head. They walked into the park.

They did activities together like go on rides, play games, and just walk around

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They did activities together like go on rides, play games, and just walk around. They both had a lot of fun. Around 5, the amusement park began to close.

"Where do you want to go now?" Laurens asked.

"I don't really know, there's a place to eat in uptown, we could take a carriage there." (Y/N) suggested.

"I think that's a great idea. Let's do it." Laurens agreed.

  (Y/N) and Laurens got in a carriage heading to uptown.

"So, you're leaving for the britain attack later this week.."(Y/N) said with a sigh.

"Yeah, but hey, let's not talk about it, there's still time before I leave." Laurens said reassuringly.

"I know, I'm sorry. I'm just worried...W-What if something happens? I don't know what I'd do without you."

"Nothing bad is going to happen. I'm going to go to South Carolina, and a week later i'm going to come back and see the love of my life again." Laurens said.

  (Y/N) hugged him tightly. She was scared, scared of losing the person she loved the most. Just then the carriage came to a stop. They were at the restaurant. They were just about to walk in when they saw a big sign that said "BRITISH MONEY ONLY". Laurens saw that and scowled.

"Seriously?!" He snapped.

"What is it?"(Y/N) asked.

"The sign." Laurens said in annoyance.

  (Y/N) read it and sighed.

"That's annoying. Come on, let's just go somewhere else."

"No! I'm going in there and giving them a piece of my mind!" Laurens snapped.

  (Y/N) held his arm.

"John, there's no point."(Y/N) insisted.

"(Y/N), it's not fair! They can't do that!" Laurens raged.

"Hey, you could let it go."


"Just let it go. It doesn't matter. We can just go somewhere else."(Y/N) said.

Laurens sighed.

"okay, okay, you're right. Let's go." He said as he took(Y/N)'s hand. 

They went back to the carriage stop and headed back to Manhattan. They decided to go to the tavern and meet up with Lafayette, Mulligan, and Alexander. They got to the tavern and greeted everyone, and then they all sat down together. The guys ended up getting pretty drunk.(Y/N) watched as they hysterically danced around the table, and of course on it too. Laurens stepped up on the table and cleared his throat.

"Yo I got an announcement to make, k guys?" He said unstably.

They all looked up at him.

"So I'm in love with this girl." He said.

  (Y/N) chuckled, and the other guys cheered, acting as if they didn't already know that.

"She's hella beautiful, she's smart and nice, and I love her!" Laurens said drunkenly.

He pointed to(Y/N).

"And that girl, is right there." He said as he jumped down from the table.

He ran over to her and took her hand. She stood up.

He looked into(Y/N)'s eyes.

"I love you!" He said with a goofy grin on his face.

  (Y/N) chuckled. 

"I love you too." She said.

He leaned in and kissed her. meanwhile the guys cheered. They all continued to just casually hang out and dance around. After a while it began to get pretty late, and Mulligan, Lafayette and Alexander left. 

"Hey,(Y/N). Did you know I love ya?" He asked, leaning on a chair.

  (Y/N) laughed.

"I did, and did you know I love you too?"

"I did." Laurens said with a smile.

"Oh! Hey, follow me." Laurens said as he took(Y/N)'s hand and led her out of the tavern.

"Where are we going?"(Y/N) asked.

"Just follow me!" Laurens protested.

He ran down the street, holding onto(Y/N)'s hand. He ran out into the middle of the street. It was dark, and the streets were lightly lit by the lamp post.

"What are we doing in the middle of the street?"(Y/N) asked.

Laurens lied down in the middle of the street.

"Laurens what are you doing?"(Y/N) asked, confused.

"Come here. Come lie down next to me." He told her.

"What?! Laurens what if a wagon or carriage comes?"

"Then we run!" Laurens said with a grin.

  (Y/N) looked around. There was nobody around. The lights in the buildings were off. The street was dim.(Y/N)sighed and walked over to Laurens and lied down next to him. He pointed in the air. She looked up at the sky and was immediately in awe. Stars flooded the night sky. It was so beautiful, and such a nice night. The air was cool, but not cold.

"Wow.."(Y/N) breathed.

"Amazing, isn't it?"

"Yeah.." She agreed.

Together they layed there for a while, hand in hand in the middle of the road, gazing up at the beautiful stars that filled the New York City sky.

A Soldier's Chorus~Laurens X Reader[COMPLETED✔️]Where stories live. Discover now