A promise

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(A/N: So i'm not exactly following the correct order of Hamilton, and not everything is really historically accurate, but you know, just go with it! XD. And just as an fwi im not including alexander cheating on his wife because even though it was something major that happened, it's not exactly relevant to the story.)

~The day of the british attack~

(Y/N) blinked open her eyes. The sun shown in her eyes, and the house was silent.(Y/N) looked around, and then heard cheering in the streets. Confused, she got up out of bed and went over to the window. Men wearing blue coats were lined up on horses outside.(Y/N) froze. Today was the day Laurens was leaving for South Carolina, and she overslept! Panicked,(Y/N) ran to the closet and threw a dress on, pulled her hair up and slipped on her shoes. She bolted out the door and suddenly ran right into someone. She yelped back in surprise. She looked up and it was Laurens.

"Laurens!" She exclaimed

"I'm so sorry! I oversle-"

He put his arms around her and kissed her, hugging her tightly. After a few seconds, he pulled back, keeping his hands around her.

"Laurens.."(Y/N) started.

Thoughts flooded her mind. Today was the day Laurens was leaving to go fight back against the british. He could be hurt, or worse. This could be the last time she sees the man of her dreams...Suddenly (Y/N) just couldn't hold it in anymore. Tears flooded her eyes and streamed down her face.

"Hey,(Y/N), don't cry!" Laurens said, his eyes tearing up.

"I..I'm sorry...I just, I can't lose you!"(Y/N) wailed, burying her face in his arms as he hugged her.

Tears began running down his face as he held(Y/N) close. She could feel his heart beating fast. He took a deep breath.

"hey, look at me."

She did.

"It'll be fine. I'll be back in a week. I know you're scared, I'm scared. I am not losing you, I'll be back, and when I get back, we'll do something together. Just you and I." Laurens told her.

  (Y/N) nodded. Laurens wiped away her tears.

"I'll be back. I promise."

He kissed her, as she hugged him tightly.

"I have to go. I'm sorry, but I'll see you in a week, okay?" Laurens told her.

"Y-Yeah. I'll see you in a week."(Y/N) said.

He backed away, giving her a wave. She waved back as he walked past the group of people along the sides of the streets. He hopped on a horse, putting his gun on his backpack. The church bell rang, and everyone, Laurens, Mulligan, Alexander, Lafayette, they all rode away, into the distance, off to war.

(A/N: I know, I know, really short chapter! I just felt like this part needed its own chapter. So this is now an official Laurens X Reader, but after i'm done writing this, im going to write a modern Lafayette X Reader! So i have an official plan setup for this story now! Again, sorry this was so short, I just felt like this part of the story deserved its own chapter. Hope you liked it!)

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